07. the flayed - part one

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"OH MY GOD, I can't die a virgin!" Jackie screamed, backing into a wall to grab onto something so she could support herself as the room started to drop.

"You know, we've had plenty of time to fix that!" Steve yelled in response. "Oh my God, we're going down!"

"Yeah no shit Harrington!" Robin hollered, their screams filling the area. The room landed with an extreme force that made all of them fall onto the ground. Jackie braced herself for impact with the hard floor, when it didn't come. She soon realized that she landed on top of Steve, who grunted in pain.

"My groin," he complained, Jackie scrunched her nose.


"Your knee is on my dick," he mumbled as a response, swatting her away as she quickly pushed herself off of him with a burning face.

"Shit, sorry."

"Is everyone okay?" Robin asked, and Jackie glanced over to see Cynthia pulling her up.

"Yeah, I'm great now that I know my dick is broken and that Russians can't design elevators!" Steve said angrily, pushing himself up, and stomping over to the control panel.

"I think we've established the fact that those buttons don't work," Robin replied, ignoring Steve's other statement as she ran a nervous hand through her hair.

"They're buttons!" Steve snapped, his arms flailing around crazily. "They have to do something!"

"Is he okay?"

"Probably not," Jackie replied. "He's like an angry little chicken, look at him."

"Chicken?" Steve echoed, "what the hell does that even mean?"

"Well you weren't supposed to hear me say that, for one. And two, it's an electronic lock." Steve stared at her dumbly. "You would need the keycard for them to work."

"She's right," Robin nodded, coming to stand next to them. "Same as the loading dock door. If we don't have a keycard, it won't operate, meaning-"

"We're stuck here," Dustin finished. "Shit."

"Oh, no," Cynthia grimaced, and her words started to pool out, like she had no control over her mouth. "I'm never taking my dad's advice again. 'Impress the girl, you get the girl.' And now we're going to die in an elevator."

"Wait, what?" Steve asked, visible confusion, and Cynthia looked mortified at her accidental confession. Jackie sighed, and felt Robin fall against the wall in shock.

"We're not going to die, Cynthia," Jackie told her. "So, just remember that you get to rub this in your dad's face when we get back."

She watched Cynthia's shoulders relax in relief. "Yeah. Yeah, I will."

"Just so you nerds are aware," Erica broke in. "I'm supposed to be spending the night at Tina's, and Tina always covers for me. But if I'm not back home in time for Uncle Jack's party, and my mom finds out you five are responsible, she's gonna hunt you down, one by one, and slit your throat."

"I don't care about Tina!" Steve snapped, slamming his hands down onto a cardboard box. "Or Uncle Jack's party! Your moms not gonna be able to find us if we're dead in a Russian elevator!"

"Hey," Dustin interrupted, pointing to the ceiling. "What if we climbed out?"

Propping Dustin up on Steve's shoulders, he lifted the hatch up and pulled himself out of it. Next, Jackie used all of her strength to push herself up, which was tough considering how she had absolutely no upper body strength, and was surprised when she actually managed to do it.

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