02. trick or treat, freak - part one

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HALLOWEEN NIGHT HAD rolled around, and Jackie was struggling to figure out what to wear. Nancy's offer pang in her brain, but she didn't want to feel like a bother. Instead, she stared at her closet, as if somehow the outfit would pick itself out. Finally, she decided on a leather jacket with a pair of black jeans. If anyone asked, she was going as a greaser.

After dropping Max off, Billy sped down the street, blaring the music, ignoring Jackie's requests to slow down. "Jesus, if we die because you can't drive I'm going to kill you all over again in hell."

Billy parked the car on the side of the street, turning in his seat to give his step-sister a glare. "Don't do anything embarrassing, or I will leave you here."

"You won't," Jackie said with a knowing smirk. "You can't. But I won't do anything, promise. Wouldn't want to damage your reputation."

Jackie watched as Billy met up with some of his friends, leaving her to stand in the driveway by herself awkwardly. She was only somewhat surprised to figure out that he'd already managed to find a group of other asshole-y guys just like him. After all, birds of a feather flocked together. She just wished she could mend to a group of people as easily as he did.

She made her way into the house, stepping over smashed beer cans and a pair of underwear, and failed to hide her grimace.

"Hey, here's your ticket," a boy with long hair stepped in front of her, holding out a joint and a can of beer. "No one's surviving this shit sober."

Jackie raised a brow. "I don't take candy from strangers."

"Names Ed. There, now we're not strangers."

She disregarded him after that, brushing past him to enter the building. The music inside of the house was much louder, however there were a lot less people in there. She didn't have to shove her way through like she did on the way in. She stood off to the side, a punch cup in her hand as she slowly downed it.

"Hey," a feminine voice greeted from behind her, and Jackie turned to see Nancy. "I'm glad you decided to come."

"Mm," Jackie downed her cup. "Yeah, me too. Free alcohol."

Nancy shook her head and rolled her eyes. "What're you supposed to be? James Dean?"

"You look like the Virgin Mary so don't judge me," she retorted, smirking when Nancy laughed instead of getting offended.

"I saw you over here by yourself, I just wanted to make sure you were fitting in alright."

Jackie smiled. "That's nice of you. It's kind of hard to find people who I relate to, I guess."

"Yeah," Nancy shifted on her feet. "I get it, don't worry. The punch good?"

"It's okay, it's really strong though."

"What's in it?"

"Pure fuel!" A guy called out, glancing at them as he passed by. The two girls silently shared a look, before both of them broke out into giggles.

"So it was really nice talking to you," Nancy said as their laughter broke down. A small smile was still etched on her lips. "I have to go find Steve though. I'll catch you later?"

"Yeah, of course. Later."

Jackie watched as she walked off, trying to find Steve. She assumed Steve was the guy Nancy had been standing next to the previous day before, though Jackie herself had never actually had an interaction with him before.

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