01. madmax

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"WELL THIS PLACE is a shithole," Jacqueline Mayfield announced, stepping into the new house. Her voice rang off the empty walls as she dropped her keys onto the one lone coffee table in the center of what was supposed to be their living room. Everything else was still tightly packed away in the boxes placed around the rest of the house.

Their new home was tons smaller than their former one in California, her queen sized bed barely fit into her room. Not to mention her dressers which were squished into the far corner, and her vanity which she had to abandon the mirrors for since there was no space left for them.

She pulled the elastic from her hair, letting it fall back down onto her shoulders as she dropped her purse onto the counter, just arriving back from her drive around town. She'd been hoping to find at least something worth mentioning to her younger sister, who seemed even more upset about the move than she did—but quickly came to the realization that Hawkins Indiana was about as boring and simple as small towns came.

"Language," her mother scolded from the kitchen, and Jacqueline glanced over to see her loading some dishes into the cabinets. "I don't want Max to hear you say foul words like that."

"Right," she mumbled, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "Like she hasn't said worse."

"What was that?"

"Nothing," she lied smoothly, clearing her throat. "Hey, speaking of Max, where is she?"

"Her room."

Jackie barged into her younger sister's room, not bothering to even knock. It was an unspoken rule between the two of them, neither cared enough to knock. She flopped down face first onto her bed, and Max moved at the last second to avoid getting jumped on. "So how was the grand tour?"

"Lame," Jackie replied, her voice muffled from the blanket. "Total downgrade from California. They have an arcade though." She pushed herself up into a sitting position. "Maybe you can get Billy to take you."

Max rolled her eyes, and Jackie bit back a laugh. The hatred the two of them shared for their step-brother was like no other. He was a dick; to say the least. An arrogant selfish asshole who would do anything to get his way. However, their hatred for him wasn't the only thing they shared. Both had very fiery tempers, shiny blue eyes, and the same bright red long thick hair.

"Why can't you just take me?" Max asked, closing the magazine she had on her lap. "Billy will make a big ordeal about it, you know he will."

"Yeah," Jackie sighed. "I know, but Mom wants me to go job hunting, or I would. I drove past a pizza place earlier, maybe I could try there."

Max raised an eyebrow, and bursted out laughing. Jackie blinked, shooting her a confused look. "I can't imagine you flipping up dough into the air. It's too funny."

Jackie stabbed her sister's side with her finger. "That's rude."

"But funny," Max grinned, then it slowly began to fade.

"I'm sorry," she said, following Max's train of thought, "I know you don't like him, but we're all stuck together now."

"I know," Max frowned. "I'll see you later? Maybe you can teach me some new skateboard tricks."

"Only if you're up for the challenge," Jackie responded with a grin.

"Oh it's so on."


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