11. the bite - part one

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THE FOUR OF them sat in the back of one of the truck Dustin stole, Jackie had absolutely no idea how he managed to do it, but that was the last of her concerns as she bopped her head to a song that was playing in her mind, ignoring the odd looks Cynthia was shooting her.

"Jesus!" Steve yelled at a particularly sharp turn, "slow down!"

"Yeah!" Robin agreed, also shouting. "What is this like the Indy 500?"

"It's 300," Steve corrected, annoyed.

"No dingus it's 500!"

"It's 300!"

"Let's say," Jackie cut in, staring at the ceiling thoughtfully. "A million!" They broke out into a fit of giggles, and she banged against the back of the car impatiently. "You can't keep us in this cage like animals!" Jackie screamed at no one in particular. "I know my rights you bitch!"

"What is wrong with them?!" Jackie heard Erica ask, and she planted her face closer to the young girl, trying to poke her cheek.

"Squishy," she said. Erica looked at her in disgust.

"I don't know!" Dustin replied, and the redhead reached through the cage to yank on his hair. "Jackie! Stop!"

"I think they're on crack," Cynthia concluded, staring at them with a weird expression on her face.

"Dustin watch out!" Erica warned, and before he could react the vehicle crashed into a bunch of barrels, sending the four in the back flying. Jackie eyed Robin as she flew into Cynthia's side, a knowing smirk growing on her face.

"I have eyeballs," is what managed to come out of Jackie's mouth. She scrunched her face up at her own words, "that's not what I meant to—"

"You guys okay?" Dustin questioned. "They're fine."

"I want a smoothie!" Jackie whined. "A strawberry banana one. Right now."

The back door swung open, revealing the youngest pair of the group. "Come on, we need to go. Now," Dustin ordered. Cynthia tried to help the three get out of the back, but gave up after they all insisted they were independent.

"I have a new hatred for elevators!" Jackie declared, dramatically laying on top of the shelves placed in the middle of the room. "Uppity we go! Weeeee!" She rolled off of the shelf, falling into the ground next to a red platform, where Steve stood. "Oops, wrong way."

"Hey," Robin called. "It looks like you're surfing!"

"Wahoo!" Steve yelled.

"They seem drunk!" Erica realized.

"Why would they be drunk?"

"I think they were drugged," Cynthia suggested, holding an arm out to help Jackie up—who took it, and then crashed into a box, falling over again. She pinched the bridge of her nose. "Good Lord."

Steve suddenly fell next to Jackie on the floor, "wipeout!" Robin yelled. He opened his arms up, and Jackie rolled over to him, the two of them locked in an awkward embrace. Steve's hand was placed under her side, and she shifted to get more comfortable, only for him to groan in pain.

"You look like shit!" Jackie told him, and he frowned.

"Well you look like double shit!" Steve retorted. "Beat that!"

"You look infinity shit!"

"Damn," Steve laughed loudly. "You outsmart me every time. What the hell?"

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