Chapter 1

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The past is something we will all have, it can be either good or bad. The good ones can make us happy and just the thought of it is good enough to make us smile but the bad ones will always scar us for our whole lives. It will never ever leave us no matter what we do. All that we can do is to either let ourselves be devoured by it, slowly withering in pain without us even noticing or to learn from it and move on, because we can never find peace in life if we continue on living in the past.

In the city of Magnolia there are rumors and some even saying that it's true that there is a mysterious girl that they happen to see everytime it rains. No umbrella and no shoes she was just walking there with nothing to cover her from the rain, barefooted and most of all her whole body was glowing.

Some people find it hard to believe that what they are saying is true and one of those people is Natsu Dragneel.

He is a normal teenager studying in Magnolia High School, he isn't popular and he isn't a player or a nerd. He is an average teenager surrounded by great friends.

He was always so cheerful, he would always smile at even the worst times...but that was until something tragic happened that tore his world apart.

When he was 16 his father died in a car accident. He loved his father so much considering he's the only family he has left. He never met his mom for she died when he was born, nor did he have any siblings.

It was raining hard when it happened. He was in the house studying for the upcoming test he had when he suddenly received a call telling his father was in the hospital.

When he got there the doctors told him that they couldn't save him and that it was too late...his father was gone.

The day of his father's funeral the sky was also crying, but not as much as him.

2 years passed since that day and he's 18 now. He still lives at that house and isn't planning on moving out anytime soon. It still hurts since every nook and cranny of the house reminded him of his father.

Since that day he hasn't been the same. In front of other people or his friends he wore a mask of smiles to hide all the pain and suffering he feels on the inside.

And since that accident he started hating the rain, because it always reminds him of the day his father left the world.

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"Ugh!" Natsu groaned as he slammed his hand on his alarm clock to turn it off.

It was raining again so he just wanted to spend the day in bed and do nothing, but he still has to go to school and go to his part time job later, so really didn't have a choice.

After laying in his bed for a couple more minutes he finally got out and took a shower and got dressed in his uniform. After he was done in the bathroom he ate his breakfast, wore his jacket, since it was cold outside and took his red umbrella.

He usually rides on his bicycle to get to school rather than ride a taxi or cab since he wanted to save money, but today he had to walk to school because it was raining so hard and the roads were all slippery.

Once he got to the school he was immediately greeted by his friends, so being the great actor he is he immediately put on a bright and wide fake smile.

"Hey guys!" Natsu exclaimed, walking over to them.

"Hey Natsu! Good morning!" Levy said, waving at him.

Levy Mcgarden is one of Natsu's friends. She is a petite girl with blue wavy hair and hazel brown eyes. They call her a bookworm because of her love for reading and books. She is also the smartest in their group.

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