Chapter 8

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Somewhere up in the clouds, where birds can't reach a beautiful kingdom proudly stands.

This majestic place is the home of the fairies, and it's called Nirvana.

Aside from the buildings and structures, the ground they stand on is completely made of clouds.

Landing on the cloud-like ground as her blue wings disappeared Lucy was greeted with a hug from one of her closest friends.

"Hey Lulu! You were gone for a while. What took you so long?" She asked.

"Well the rain I brought down there had a lot of water in them Mira. So it's fairly obvious that I would be down there for a while. And I'm pretty sure that the other rain fairies haven't returned yet, right?" Lucy said, walking away towards her cloud house.

"Well you're right on that. So what'd you do while you were down there?" Mira asked a knowing smile plastered on her face.

There are many different types of fairies in Nirvana.

Mira as you can see is also a fairy but unlike Lucy she is a snow fairy whilst Lucy is a Rain Fairy.

Snow fairies' job is to create snowflakes and snow. They are usually busy all year except for the winter season. During the other season they're all busy preparing for the winter season.

"Oh you know the usual wait around until they run out of water. What about you? What have you been up to? Shouldn't you be working?" Lucy said, quickly changing the subject not wanting to mention how she spent time with Natsu.

She wasn't going to make the same mistake again...

"I'm on break. And I know what you're doing!" Mira said, pointing her index finger at her.

"Oh yeah? What am I doing?" Lucy said, stopping in her tracks, raising an eyebrow trying not to sound suspicious.

"You're changing the topic so I know that you did something else other than just stand there. So come on, spill it." Mira said.

"I told you. It's nothing!" Lucy said. It was really difficult for her to keep up the act when on the inside she was freaking out.

"You're hiding something." Mira said, looking at her suspicion written in her eyes.

"Sure, whatever you say." Lucy said, opening the door to her house with Mira following behind her.

"Oh I'm sure and I'm gonna find out what it is." Mira said.

"Uh-huh." Lucy said, with a bored expression on her face.

It's not like Mira can't be trusted, it's just that she wants what's happening between her and Natsu to be a secret.

You see in their world speaking to a human or revealing who you truly are to a human is a taboo and incredibly illegal.

Words travel faster and if anyone knew that she was secretly meeting up with a human it will get to the royal palace and who knows what kind of punishment they will give her or how it will affect Natsu.

So it's better if she doesn't tell anyone. It's safer for both her and Natsu.

After all, she's made the same mistake numerous times and is not planning on doing it all over again.

Just as Mira was about to say something, Lucy's front door opened and somebody entered.

"Lucy, is it true?!"

"Yukino, Lisanna so glad to see you too." Lucy said, sarcasm dripping on her voice.

Yukino and Lisanna are like Mira, their snow fairies. Lisanna is actually Mira's sister.

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