Chapter 12

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It was another day in Magnolia and today it's raining non-stop. It's been raining since this morning. Much to the displeasure of some people.

Natsu was in the cafeteria with his friends. The entire student body has been busy. With the culture festival in a few days it's obvious that the whole student body would be packed with things to do.

But because of this they all don't have classes so they can all waste their time preparing and if you ask them they would rather work their asses off than sit in a classroom and listen to the teacher's boring lecture.

"Hey guys." Levy greeted walking over to them.

"Hey Levy. Woah are you ok?" Gray said.

"Yeah...I'm fine just...tired that's all." Levy said, yawning between sentences, then taking a seat beside Gajeel, putting her head on his broad shoulder.

"You sure? Because you look like a zombie to me, Shrimp." Gajeel said.

If it were another one of those regular days she would've surely smacked Gajeel for calling her a shrimp, but right now she doesn't even have the energy to talk.

"Where's Erza?" Natsu asked.

"She's still in the student council room with the other members. She said that she won't be joining us for lunch." Levy said, her eyes closed.

"You guys are really busy huh?" Juvia asked.

"You have no idea." Levy said, trying her hardest to stay awake, since she has to go back to the student council room later after lunch.

It was true every time there is an event happening in their school no one is as busiest than the members of the student council.

Unlike the other students they always have to stay at school during times like this to finish their work, sometimes even bringing the work with them at home.

"Hey Levy, do you want us to take you home? You look pretty exhausted, it almost looks like you haven't slept in days." Natsu said, Natsu said, noticing the eye bags in her eye.

"You don't know how right you are on that." Levy thought.

"That's funny coming from the guy who always works his ass off everyday after school." Levy said.

"Hey! Even if I do work myself to death I never forget to rest and have some fun ok?" Natsu said, remembering what Lucy told him.

"So do you want us to take you home and excuse you from the council? If you ask me you could use the rest a whole lot of rest." Natsu asked.

"No thanks. I still have to go back and finish the budget report and the rest of the paperwork. It's not fair to the other council members if I just skipped my duties while they work their butts off. I'm the vice president. I have to set an example." Levy said.

"Ok if you say so." Natsu said.

"The rain sure is pouring hard huh? Juvia is glad she brought her umbrella with her." Juvia suddenly said, changing the topic.

"You said it. It's been raining since morning and I don't think it has any plans on stopping." Gray said.

"I'm hoping it won't rain on the day of the culture festival or else all our hard work would all be for nothing. Like last year." Levy said.

Natsu looked out the window, thinking about a certain blonde girl.

The second he saw that it was raining his whole body was itching to go see her. But of course he had to stop himself because his friends might get suspicious of him, since he always refused to skip a school day even if he was feeling under the weather. So it would be strangely suspicious if he decided to skip school and what would he tell them? That he was seeing the girl that everyone has been rumoring around and that he befriended her? They wouldn't believe him. They might think he's crazy.

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