Chapter 17

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Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. It's been 5 months. So far they have been managing to meet everytime it rains without getting caught.

Well at least that's what they thought...

In those 5 months their relationship developed. It was better than how they first met when it was still awkward, but now they always have something to talk about. They've probably known more about each other than the person who's known them for their whole life.

Every time it would rain, instead of meeting in the South Gate Park, she would just come to his house in her disguise, it was less suspicious that way.

Lucy couldn't be more than happier with this, she finally got back the relationship with him she lost years ago...

...well almost.

As for Natsu...

Not only did their relationship develop but also his feelings.

At first he just brushed it off and thought of it as just a best friend thing. But the more time passes, the more he starts feeling weird around her, he finally puts two and two together and comes to the conclusion that he likes her.

But of course that was just a guest he still wasn't 100% sure that he likes her

And as for Lucy's feelings...

It was still there of course but she was hiding it. Trying not to show it.

It was painful for her...

She was yearning so badly for his kisses and his cuddles, but the only way to keep him safe is to bury all the feelings, all those yearnings deep within her, but that didn't stop her from sometimes giving him signs. She figured that he was too dense to get it, but she didn't know how wrong she was.

Natsu was starting to catch up to her behavior around him sometimes and he's already starting to figure out what it meant.

He might act like an idiot but he wasn't stupid. He knows when someone has feelings for another person. The only challenge why it was so hard to figure out Lucy's is because it was to him. He didn't want to get his hopes up, just to realize that his hunch was wrong.

Speaking of which, he had started to notice that Lucy had been trying to say something to him but every time she got a chance to tell him, she would cut her own sentence off then change the subject.

He didn't question her about it ofcourse. He respects her privacy. If she wants to tell him, she'll tell him without him interfering.

But he did start making up conclusions like...

"Maybe she's trying to confess...?"

You have to admit it would be pretty nice to hear your crush say that to you.

But still those are just still guesses who knows what she's really trying to tell him. And he hopes when she tells him, he will most likely already have his feelings sorted out.

He was still having those dreams of course. And up to now he still doesn't know what it all meant. Some of his dreams though were oddly familiar to him.

Sometimes his dreams would end up with him waking up in the middle of the night with tears in his eyes. He didn't mind the others but those dreams. The one that always makes him cry for some unknown reason we're the ones he wanted to stop.

As of now he was with Gray at the school's football field. They were playing with a soccer ball they randomly found while they waited for their friends.

They were planning on eating out today. The reason why is because it's almost the end of the school year and it's almost time for their summer vacation. In the next school year they are going to be third years. They decided to celebrate for making it through the school year. Of course Natsu declined this, saying that he has to go to work.

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