Chapter 7

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"Hey Natsu..." She said softly.

Despite the loud sound of the rain hitting the roofs of houses or buildings, he could hear her loud and clear.

He doesn't know why but her laugh, her voice it sounds like a perfect melody it almost feels strangely familiar.

"LUCY!!" Natsu exclaimed, running up to her.

"Wow slow down you might--" :ucy warned, but it was already too late. The boy slipped and ended up crashing into her, making them fall on the muddy ground, with her at the bottom and him on top of her.


"Sorry Luce."

"It's fine, but can you please get off of me? you're heavy and not to mention this position we're in is embarrassing." Lucy said with a small blush on her face.

"Oh right, sorry," Natsu said, getting off of her.

As soon as his weight on her vanished she sat up and started rubbing her head.

"Here, let me help you up." Natsu said, offering his hand to her, to which she gladly accepted.

"Thank you." Lucy said, grabbing a hold of his hand, as he pulled her up.

"I am so sorry about your dress by the way." Natsu said.

She looked down to her dress and found that the once white dress was now covered in mud and dirt, because of the fall.

"It's fine I can just always change and wash this thing when I get back. I'm much more concerned about you though." Lucy said, eyeing him.

"Me? Why? I'm fine." Natsu said.

"You're fine now but if you keep standing under the rain without something to shield you from the rain you wouldn't be." Lucy said.

"Shit you're right where is that stupid umbrella!" Natsu exclaimed, looking around for his red umbrella.

"It's right over there. You dropped it." Lucy said, pointing at the red umbrella that was a few feet away from them.

"Oh thank God." Natsu said, walking over to the umbrella and picking it up.

"Natsu, I think you should head home. Not only is it night but you're soaking wet, you can get sick." Lucy explained.

"You're right. But what about you? Aren't you gonna get sick if you just keep standing there too?" Natsu asked.

"There's nothing for you to worry about. Beings like me can't get sick." Lucy explained.

"Oh..." Natsu said, dejectedly.

He just got there and just saw her after one and a half weeks, he wasn't ready to go home yet. But deep down he knew she was right. He can get sick if he stays there any longer and he can't miss a day of school and work.

He was about to leave when an idea suddenly popped in his head.

"Hey, I know why don't you come home with me? Then we can spend a little more time together."

"Say what?" She said, surprised that he would actually suggest something like that.

"I mean you did bring me to my house on the day we first met so it should be fine right?" He said.

"I guess." She said, still not really sure if she should go along with this insane idea of his.

"Great! Now come on!" He said, reaching out a hand for her.

She looked at his hand then back at his face.

"But what if people see me and start suspecting something?"

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