Chapter 11

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It was dusk in Magnolia. The sun had just set a few seconds ago, the moon and stars were starting to show.

Somewhere up in the sky, a certain Fairy is flying up towards the place that can be called as paradise. At least that's what humans would call it but not for the fairies living there, especially one certain fairy...

Her sparkly blue wings fluttering in the breeze, her golden hair flowing in the wind along with her blue above knee dress.

She had just passed the soft clouds with a shade of pink that acted as a border between Earth Land and Nirvana, preventing the humans from seeing their world.

After passing through the clouds, the land of the fairies came to view.

Nirvana is a city that stands in the clouds. Aside from the ground that they stand on which is made of clouds, the buildings, structures and practically everything else in there is not made of clouds. Nirvana is a place where there is no night, only day.

She passed by some of the fairies that were returning from their job while there were some that were leaving Nirvana to go down to Earth Land.

She was almost on the gate to Nirvana when passed by the night fairies that were going down to Earth Land and that's when a voice called out to her.


She stopped flying and looked at the source of the voice.


"You guys go on ahead I'll catch up. I just have something to say to my friend, ok?" He said to the other night fairies, the one who's leading the troop just gave him a thumbs up.

"So...I'm guessing Yukino and Lisanna already told you huh?" Rogue asked, to which she just answered with a nod. Completely avoiding eye contact with him.

"So what's your plan? Are you still going to continue seeing him?" Rogue asked.

"And if I say yes, what're you gonna do?" Lucy said, looking him in the eye, determination raging within her chocolate brown eyes.

Whatever he was going to say won't change a thing about her decision. She already decided whether he likes it or not. She will go and see him.

"Looks to me like I didn't need to ask. Knowing you, you probably just came back from there aren't you?" Rogue asked.

She didn't need to reply. He already knows her answer just by looking at her eyes.

"Well I can't stop you so the least you can do for me is be careful. Don't make the same mistake again." Rogue said.

Lucy was fairly surprised at what he said. He was letting her off easily, but maybe a little too easy. But to be fair Rogue has dealt with Lucy's stubborn ass plenty of times. He can try to argue with her hundreds of times and in the end she would alway be the one who is victorious. It would save time and breath if he would just go with it.

"Trust me I know. I'm not going to make the same mistake again. I've already learned from past experience. I already told myself that." Lucy said.

"Well then, keep telling yourself that at least a million more times until your thick skull finally understands it." Rogue said.

"Haha, very funny," Lucy said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

"I'm serious Lucy. How many times do you think you've said that, to not only us but to yourself and yet you still disobey your own warning." Rogue said.

Even with how determined she was, deep down she knew he was right. No matter how many times she's already said that to herself in the past, in the end she never really follows them, which only resulted in the same situation over and over.

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