Chapter 5

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It's been 10 days. 10 days without rain and 10 days without her. It's been driving Natsu crazy as hell.

Every morning he would always look outside his window to see if it's raining but the same as always, it wasn't and that dream of his didn't help much in his case. Well sometimes it would rain but only when he is asleep and he would only know that when he woke up the next morning to see that the plants all have droplets of water and the road slightly wet.

Since then he started getting those dreams every time he sleeps. He would always wake up in the middle of the night panting heavily and sweating bullets.

His dreams would always change every single time but the only thing that was changing was the scenarios. All of his dreams have one thing in common. It would always have that person who he still doesn't know the identity of and that it was always raining.

On top of that he still doesn't know what these dreams mean or is it trying to tell him something, and if so, then what is it?

He has been thinking about going to the doctor to get it checked up so he can finally sleep in peace without this dream bothering him.

His friends haven't had the slightest idea what's wrong with him. They are still completely oblivious to his weird dreams. He can thank his super great acting skills for that. But still he can't keep up the charade forever, sooner or later they're gonna find out, so that's why he has to get rid of it before they find out.

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"Hey Natsu, do you like stars?" She asked.

"What kind of question is that?" Natsu said.

"Just answer it." She deadpanned.

"I don't know the answer to that but what I do know is that when I was younger me and my dad would sometimes go stargazing and he would show me all these cool constellation thingies. My favorite was the dragon constellation he would always show me. So in a way maybe you could say that I do kinda like them." Natsu said, chuckling a little at the memory.

It was night time and it was raining. They were under one of the cherry blossom trees at Magnolia South Gate Park seeking shelter from the rain.

The city lights mixing with the sparkling raindrops created such a beautiful view.

"Lucky you then," She said.


"I always wanted to see the stars and some constellations, but I never got to. I don't even think I could ever do so." She said, smiling sadly, lifting their head up to look at the night sky that was covered in dark rain clouds.

Even without questioning her, Natsu already knew the reason why she could not.

"Don't worry one of these days I will take you to a place full of stars and we can stargaze there together. Promise" Natsu said, smiling at her.

She didn't care if it would only end up as a broken promise. She didn't care if what he said was kind of impossible to grant, She was hoping that what he said would come true someday.

"You promise?" They asked, holding their pinky out.

"I promise." Natsu said, intertwining his pinky with theirs.

"It will be my gift to you."

· • · • · • ·

Natsu bolted from his bed breathing heavily beads of sweat pouring down his face.

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