Chapter 18

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It was a calm night, the sky was just clearing up and the night breeze was refreshing.

Lucy was flying towards Nirvana. Her blue wings flapped against the breeze, while sparkling in the night. As she flew her mind started drifting off somewhere.

She couldn't believe she backed out again. She's been trying to tell him for months now and yet...she couldn't...

She even practiced yesterday and before she went to his house, but she still couldn't say it.

What did she want to tell him?

Well she wanted to tell him...

...that they should stop seeing each other...

It's becoming too risky. She's got this uncomfortable feeling in her gut that her cover was and has been already blown.

It was just a matter of time before it all happens again and she has to turn their memories into dreams again. Making him forget her and the time they spend together all over again.

And this time she didn't know if she would be able to see him again. Many people in Nirvana were already starting to get suspicious of her. But what she failed to understand was how? It wasn't like she was so obvious, she made sure of that. And it would just be a matter of time before word reached the castle.

She started suspecting this 3 months ago and up till now she can't believe that the castle hasn't summoned her there...


Once she was in at the gate she suddenly got the strange feeling that someone was watching her so she kept her guard up while flying back to her house.

But what she failed to realize was that the people who were watching her were the two guards at the gate. They just glanced at her for less than a second then looked away.

As soon as she was out of their range, they nodded at each other and the other one flew to the direction of the castle.

Once she got to her house she found it odd how the door wasn't unlocked when she was so sure that she locked the door before she left.

It could be possible that someone broke in but then again the door wasn't damaged.

She slowly entered her house being extremely cautious if someone was there.

Once she entered the house she was greeted by the sight of her friends.

She should've guessed. She gave Mira a spare key to her house after all in case something happens.

"What're you guys doing here?" Lucy asked, making them stop their chit chatting and look at her.

"Oh we were waiting for you to come home, welcome back by the way." Mira said.

"Thanks, but what exactly are you guys doing here? Don't you guys have work to do?"

"Lucy, our shift ended hours ago." Lisanna said.

"But what about Cana isn't her shift supposed to be starting hours ago too?"

"I'm not in the mood for work, let them do whatever the hell they want, but I'm gonna be living life." Cana said.

"Should've guessed." Lucy thought, sweat-dropping at the thought of how angry Cana's manager must be because of Cana not coming to work...again.

"So anyways where were you? We've been waiting here for 5 hours." Yukino said.

"Oh you know just places."

"Places, my ass. She was probably with her Natsu again." Lisanna teased, which made Lucy's face turn red.

"Come one Lucy don't be shy, tell us what you two did. Did you two cuddle while watching a movie? Did you two kiss? Or maybe you two had se--" Mira said, but a hand pressed on her mouth stopped her from saying anything further.

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