chapter 28

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"Y/n what did he just say?" Yunho stands there with a dumbfounded expression.

Well fuck indeed.

"Yunho what are you doing here?" I smile and walk to him. Taehyung was about to run away but I grab his arm before he could , still looking at Yunho.

"You are literally standing infront of the cafeteria." Yunho says with a sassy tone and Taehyung laughs before I elbow him in the gut to shut him up.

Yunho stares at Taehyung and then at me and then at my hand grabbing his arm. I let go of Taehyung , still making sure he doesn't leave.

"Y/n, about what he said before-No wait the rumou- ugh." He sighs with his head down and looks at me, his head still down but his eyes looking at me , he looked like he was glaring at me.

"Just what is going on between you two?" He says with a exhausted tone and sighs.

"I...." words leave my mouth as I look at him.

Should I apologise? No wait I didn't do anything wrong. But I should've told him , he's my best friend. Am I at the fault here? No wait I can have secrets too. I'm not obligated to tell him everything. But we just got on good terms again , I don't want him to be upset at me.

"Yunho i-"

"She's not obligated to answer you." Taehyung speaks and Yunho finally looks away from me and his gaze rests at Taehyung.

"I'm talking to her not you."

"Well I was talking to her before you, but you were the one who butt in so I'm returning your kind gesture. " Taehyung smiles and I sigh, they're going to argue so it's better if I end it before it gets worse.

"Taehyung you can go in. I'll talk with Yunho. " I say as I walk towards Yunho but Taehyung grabs me by my wrist and stops me.

"Why should I leave?" He glares at me and I try to remove his grip on my wrist .

"Let go of her."

Well now great.


Just great.

Fucking great.

People started to circle us because apparently we bought too much attention to us and they started whispering.

Oh I just can't fucking wait for even more rumors to begin.
Wonderful. Splendid.

I wonder what bullshit will people come with.
' lovers quarrel' , 'Y/n is a two timer' I'm already getting so fucking excited .

"What if I don't?" Taehyung finally replies and I look at him. He looks at me and I shake my head.

"Taehyung let her go or el-"

"Or else what?"

"Stop." I say as I see more eyes on me. But none of them heard.

"You're making me want to punch you."

"Hah? Well same here buddy."

I couldn't think straight, the whispers and stares of everyone was making me feel uncomfortable. I couldn't breath, Taehyung's grip on my hand qas very tight and didn't budge.

"I SAID FUCKING STOP!" I yell and tank away Taehyung's grip and run away.

I just run.

I know what I did was laughable and I know this will another headache to deal with later but I was scared. I didn't want people to look at me. I didn't want people to think of me as they think. I don't want any more misunderstandings. Why can't they just ask me rather than making assumptions. Why do I have to be the one who ignores them? Why do I have to be the one who should suffer? Why should I just let them speak whatever and pretend that I don't care? It hurts.

I just run to the bathroom and enter one of the cubicles, close the door and crouch on the floor.

I never asked for this, I never asked for fame. I just wanted wanted study. I just wanted to forget about him.

Is it wrong of me to forget about him? Is it the reason why this all is happening? I don't want to forget him. I want to forget the pain and longing.

Is this why this all is happening? Am I supposed to remember him till my death because i caused him to be like that?

"I don't know." I speak.

I'm being dramatic. People have it worse.

But I can't handle it anymore , it's too much.

I'm being childish. I should go back and talk to Yunho.

"I don't know." I was having an argument with myself.
Am I being dramatic?

"I don't know." I grab my head and bring my knees closer to me as I was crouching.
"Fuck." I curse as I dig my nails in my arms , trying to avert my attention to the pain. I didnt want to think anything.

Let's just stay here until class starts.

My phone buzzes in the pocket of the shirt I was wearing and I take my phone out.
It was a message from Yoona. I sigh.

Where are you rn? I got an idea :)

What idea did you come up this time?

Let's skip classes today, our last classes are free anyways. I already talked to the girls and they all agree, I just asked Yunho as well and he agreed as well .

Ayooooo😳 you asked Yunho 😳😳

Stfu lmaooo

Anyways u mean like Today? Rn???

Yup! And yeah I asked Jimin as well because he and Jungkook usually do this kinda stuff more than we do so it'll be easier to sneak out. And I'm not taking no as an answer Y/n. We'll be waiting when the bell rings infront of the gym.

I really don't feel like it :(

You okay? Where are you BTW????

Oh im just hiding from the rumors uk. I don't feel like facing people today lmfao.

Where are you??? ill come to you

No need. I'm fine, I need a little alone time rn.

:( I'm sorry I can't be of much help.

Don't apologise,  its not ur fault.

And as I said I won't be taking no as answer so u better be ready once the bell rings or else ill be really mad , also it'll lift up ur mood.

Mhm okay.



I turn my phone off and sigh.
I really don't feel like going though. I can't face Yunho or Taehyung.  Come to think of it , is Taehyung going to join us. Yoona didn't mention,  but she said Jungkook and Jimin will come so he'll too probably?

Who cares.

It'll lift up my mood ? Let's see if it does.

The bell rings.


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