chapter 14

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"Why would I be ma-"  in a second she turns around and dashes towards the room. My eyes widen when get hand reaches the knob and she walks in.

"NO!" I yell and she freezes.

Shit. Did she see him?

I slowly walk to her and saw nothing. I look at her and she pouts .

"There's nothing." She pouts and I look around. My eyes reach the bathroom door and I sigh.

"Yeah..I told you so!" I look at her and cross my arms. She rolls her eyes and I smack her.

"Ouch!" She yelps and I shake my head.

"That's for invading my privacy, bitch." I say and she giggles.

" Come on , you were acting as if there was something in here that i shouldn't know." She says and I push her out of the room.

" Yeah yeah. Whatever , now go back to your place I want to have peace." I say and glance back at the room.

" Okayy I'll go myself, you don't need to push me out. THANKYOUVERYMUCH. " She says and I smile as I open the door for her.

" I wasn't gonna push you out." I say and she smiles.

" I know."she says and I smile.

" I was gonna kick you out. NOW OUT!" I squint my eyes at her and her eyes widen before she chuckles.

She walks out the door and we bid our goodbyes before I close the door. I calm down my racing heart.

It's just been a few weeks and I was about to get caught be two people. I really need to act good.

I seem very sus.

I walk to the bedroom and sit on my bed. Glancing at the bathroom, I smile a bit.

"You can come out now. She's gone." I say and the door opens revealing a messy haired Taehyung. He walks out.

" Thank God. I almost died out of boredom." He says and I chuckle before walking in the bathroom.

"Take out your stuff , I'll start teaching, once I take a shower. " I say and he groans. I ignore his groans and walk inside to take a shower.

I close the tap and walk outside from the shower. My hair wet as I walk towards the mirror. I touch my neck where the mark was. It didn't hurt much.

It would last a few days by the looks of it.

Of course it would, my windpipe almost got crushed by the hands of that old man.

My dumbass realized that I didn't bring any clothes with me so I peek outside. Taehyung was using his phone as he lied on the bed.

I take a towel and wrap it around me.

"Psst Taehyung!" I call him and he groans before looking at me.

"What?" He says as he looks at me.

"Uh can you grab me some clothes. I forgot bringing them in." I say and he groans again.

" Why MEEEE? Go by yourself!" He says and plops in his bed.

" Taehyung!" I yell and he sighs and stands up.

" What?!" He yells and looks at me. I only had my head out of the bathroom, my body was inside the bathroom. His eyes travel to my neck.

"Please." I say and he sighs.

"Dhskisncnwkdeo,  why me? Where are your clothes? And which ones?" He asks and I smile.

" I took them out in the morning, they must be on my bed or on the couch." I say and he mumbled something before walking outside. I waited a bit and he walks inside with a hand full of clothes. My eyes sparkled at the sight as he walked towards me.

"Thankyou!" I say and I realize his face was red. He stands beside the bathroom door and extends his hand with the clothes.

" here take them." He says and I frown.

"Come closer." I say as I try to reach his hand. That bitch was standing a mile away.

" No, social distancing please." He says and I raise a brow and roll my eyes.

" Okay fine." I get a bit out of the bathroom and extend my arm to get the clothes. My hands reach the clothes and I try to pull them to me when I couldn't.

"Taehyung let go of t-"

In an instant Taehyung pulls me towards him and I crash into him. My hand grabbing the towel as tight as I could.

"Taehyung what the-" I look at him and he was beet red. His eyes reach my neck and I gasp.  Both of my hands were occupied, one was holding the towel and the other was held tightly my Taehyung so I couldn't cover my neck.

I did the only thing I could.

I push my face back and hid my neck with my double chin. I look down as my double chin turned into a triple chin.


My eyes widen when he places his finger under my chin and raises my head up. He leans close. My breath hitched as I froze. He was too close. I still tried to push my face back so my double chin could hide the mark or he could get scared by my face.

" ...aBLe" I hiccup.

I felt goosebumps all over my skin when his breath touched my skin. My skin was already damp as I just came out of the shower and his breath on my skin created a weird cool effect making my insides do flips.

I didn't look at his eyes, I just wanted to run away. I wanted to kick him in the balls but I  didn't.



His deep voice startled me and I flinched.
I looked down as I didn't want him to see my neck. I tried pulling my hand from his grasp but he didn't budge.

Well damn.

"Taehyung leave me." I growl. He simply moves down to my level and I widen my eyes.

Insecure of my face right now. My double chin all mighty and showing. I shut my eyes.


so I did something I will regret my entire life.

I let go of the towel.


Vote or else I'll show up at your place as your sleep paralysis demon.

Vote or else I'll show up at your place as your sleep paralysis demon

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Awkward roommates «K.Th» [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now