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Aurora was a 16 year old mixed girl. She had bright green eyes and a mixture of honey coloured and blondish locks. Although she was a stunning girl, her self-esteem was always low and she felt insecure about herself because of her bullies.

The bullies and the treatment she got at home made her depressed. Because of her depression, she was really quiet and never really talked much. She was staring at herself in the mirror and was abruptly pulled out of her reverie.

"Aurora! Get out of the bathroom you worthless girl! Get to packing!" her stepfather, Brett, yelled.

Packing? For what? Are we moving? Aurora thought to herself. Not that it would matter if they left Los Angeles anyways... it's not like she had friends that would miss her.

Aurora left the bathroom, and descended the stairs to the kitchen. Her mom was there, sitting at the breakfast bar with a cross expression on her face.

"Mom, why am I supposed to be packing?" she asked her mom, very confused.

"Aurora, you always ask too many fucking questions. Just do what Brett says, goddammit!" Her mom replied, irritated.

She nodded, feeling slightly hurt, trotted to her room and began the boring process of packing her bags. She filled them with clothes, shoes, CDs and other miscellaneous items. Finally, a little under two hours later, she finished.

Aurora went to the living room and Sarah and Brett were there, waiting for her. The latter gave her a long, icy stare.

"We're moving to Detroit, whether you like it or not." he told her.

A/N: I know it's really cliché making her be from LA (hey that rhymed), but I didn't know where else to make her from. I couldn't just be like "Aurora lived on a small farm in Wyoming" could I? Also most of the Eminem fan fictions I read, the authors paired him off with a white girl or Hispanic girl and not with a mixed or black girl so I decided to make Aurora mixed to show some love. The girl that Aurora's appearance is based off of was in a National Geographic magazine talking about how the majority of people in America would be mixed in 2050, which I'm so down for. Anyway, I'll try my best to update soon!

-reignofscales 😈

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