Chapter 8: Confessions

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"Your thumbs are weird. They can bend back really far."

Aurora and Marshall were laying on his bed, and she was playing with his hitchhiker thumbs.

"I also have a weird nose."

"Marshall, your nose is fine."

"Are you kidding me? This little motherfucker is the pointiest nose I've ever seen. I feel like fucking Pinocchio."

That caused Aurora to giggle. "That's silly."

"You wanna know what else is silly?"


Suddenly Marshall got on top of her and started to tickle her stomach. Aurora started to laugh hysterically.

"S-stop Marshall!" she wheezed.

"I don't think I will." he responded and tickled her even harder.

"M-my stomach h-hurts!" she pleaded.
Finally he conceded and stopped tickling her.

"You're such a meanie." Aurora said, and threw a pillow at him. It hit him right in the head and bounced off. Marshall sent her a fake glare.

"You know, since like the month and a half that I've know you, I don't think I've heard you freestyle before. Like the closet thing I heard to a freestyle was that one time you Deshaun had a competition on who could say the most words that rhyme together." Aurora realized.

"Huh, that's true. And I won that."

"It was a tie."

"No, I won fair and square."

"It was a tie! Now get to rapping!"

"I don't have a beat but whatever."
Marshall cleared his throat a bit before starting.

"Ever since birth I've been cursed with this curse to just curse

And just blurt the first word that comes forth

From my mind in a rhyme but I'm white I gotta show them my worth

And it'll hurt if I'm spitting a verse and I'm booed off or worse

But I can't let them treat me like dirt
Cause of my skin, it's absurd and I won't be deterred

I'll flip the bird at any faggot who disses my words

I'll have that motherfucker captured and fed elephant manure."

Aurora was shocked and something inside her stirred. She heard that he was good, but she didn't expect he was that good. She was dumbfounded.

"Wow." was all she could say. "Marshall that was fantastic."

"Thanks, but sometimes I doubt that I'll ever make it." his eyes cast downward.

"Marshall. You'll definitely make it. You're so talented."

"But I'm white. People won't take me seriously. They'll just think I'm some fucking white kid who just tries to be black."

"You gotta believe in yourself, Marshall. Trust me, you're gonna to be signed one day."

"And how do you know?"

"I can feel it in my heart."


Aurora had decided to return home because she didn't want to intrude on Marshall's family's Christmas plans. Once again, Marshall sneakily took his Mom's car when she was home.

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