Chapter 1: Welcome to Detroit

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Detroit was in some ways similar to Los Angeles; just more run down, more dangerous, and much, much more colder. It was polluted, but not as polluted as the major California city, thank God.

Fortunately, Aurora, her mom and her stepfather moved to a house in the better parts of Detroit. The house was average: a cream two-story with a nice lawn. Unpacking was a royal pain and it took around two and a half hours. When she was done, Aurora collapsed on her bed, and stared at the ceiling.

She was nervous because she was going to start school at Lincoln High in two days. She already knew she was going to get picked on and would be that loner girl. Like always.

She sighed and turned over, falling into a deep sleep.


The next morning, she awoke to a voice yelling her name.

"Aurora! Wake up and get down here!" her mom shouted.

Aurora groaned and rubbed her eyes. She glanced at the clock. 10am. Yawning, she slowly got out of bed, stretching out her limbs in the process. She went down the stairs and her mom was in the living room.

"I need you to buy some groceries for me." Sarah said and told Aurora some things she needed.

"I don't even know where I'm going and I don't even have a way to get there." she pointed out.

"Just figure it out! It's like you don't even have a brain! And of course you're walking! Is that even a question?" Sarah yelled. "Stupid girl." she muttered under her breath, and walked away.

Aurora let out a long sigh. Great. And she didn't even eat breakfast.


Aurora just started walking, although she didn't even know where she was going. She walked for what felt like hours, until she reached the rough areas of Detroit. Barely anybody was out. Then, a guy walked out of his house, and started to approach her.

"Whatchu doin' out here, all by yourself?" he asked. He was black and had some dreads that shook as he moved. He discreetly let his eyes wander over her figure, and they slightly bugged out.

"My mom wanted me to buy some groceries for her." Aurora replied quietly.

"So you walked?" he asked.

"I don't have my license yet."

"Oh. My name's DeShaun, by the way, but I go by Proof. I'm sixteen. What's your name?"

"I'm sixteen too and I'm Aurora." She shook his hand.

"Damn girl, you hella quiet!" he exclaimed.

Aurora just gave him a small smile, looking away, because she was slightly embarrassed.

"Here, I can walk you to Meijers. There's one a few blocks from here."
DeShaun said.

"What's Meijers?" Aurora asked, confused. She had never heard of it before.

He let out a loud chuckle, grasping his stomach.

"I knew you wasn't from around here. Meijers is a grocery store, clothing store, you name it." he replied.

"Yeah, I just moved here from LA yesterday, so I don't know where everything is."

"Yeah and I would know you if you was from around here." Deshaun said, smiling.

On their way to Meijers, they made small talk.

"So you said you was sixteen too? Which high school you going to?" Deshaun asked.

"I'm going to Lincoln High, starting tomorrow." Aurora answered.

"I myself go to Osborn, but a close homie of mine goes to Lincoln. Maybe you'll meet 'em."

"What's his name?"

"Marshall Mathers. And he raps. White boy can spit some nasty ryhmes. He goes by M&M."

"Woah, he can rap? There aren't a lot of white rappers..." she trailed off, astounded.

"Hell yeah he can. And I can already tell that he'd like you."

Aurora smiled, this one reaching her eyes. She was excited to meet this 'Marshall'. Maybe she wouldn't be a loner after all.


After walking Aurora to Meijers, then carrying some of the groceries and walking her back home, DeShaun met with Marshall.

"I'm telling you man, this girl was the prettiest girl I've ever seen. I almost fucking collapsed man. If I wasn't with Kalani..."

"You've said that thirty billion fucking times Proof." Marshall sighed, annoyed.

"And she ain't like those fake, self-absorbed bitches. She's real as hell. And she talks hella quiet too."

Marshall just rolled his eyes.

"You should go for her... oh wait, I forgot. You're with that Kim bitch."

Marshall furrowed his eyebrows and glared at DeShaun. "I ain't with her." he said, angered.

Proof rolled his eyes and scoffed.
"Surrrrre. When you see this girl, you'll forget all about Kim."

"Whatever man. We'll see."

A/N: I listened to "Patiently Waiting" while writing this chapter. What a coincidence! I'll try my best to update soon and make the chapters longer.

-reignofscales 😈

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