Chapter 18: Girl Talk

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A/N: I just started another Eminem fanfiction out called Love & Recovery. Y'all should go check it out! Sorry for the shortness! This chapter is kinda blehh to me and I don't really like it but oh well...
-reignofshady 😈

"Wait, wait, wait. Start over."

"Tanya, how many goddamn times do I have to start over?" Aurora yelled frustratedly into the phone, aggravation in her tone. She had repeated what seemed like at least a hundred times now!

"No, I need to like... fully process this. I know you have feelings for him, but like just describe them to me again." Tanya explained.

Aurora rolled her eyes, then sighed. "I told you, he makes my breath quicken, he makes my heart beat faster, he makes me feel warm and tingly- oh my god, I sound like such a fucking cliché!" she cried out, groaning and running her hand over her face. "And why do you keep making those noises? What are you even doing?"

"Girl, I'm doing yoga." Tanya replied. "Ahh, this feels real good." she sighed.

Aurora's face scrunched up in confusion. "Why are you doing it right now?"

"When you called me I just started and Miss Giselle said my back flexibility needs some work." Tanya elaborated. "So back on topic. Is it just a crush, or?"

"I don't know! I think so? That's what I'm trying to figure out... he makes me feel all these things and everything, but I think like it's only one-sided... God I've never felt this confused in my life!"

"Ok, lemme get this straight. He makes your breath quicken, he makes you feel warm and tingly inside... honey, it sounds to me like you're in love."

Aurora's eyes widened. "In love? Don't be ridiculous." she scoffed.

"A, I think you are, you just don't know it yet." Tanya responded.

"I think it's just a crush."

"Hmmm, alright. Whatever you say. Did anything happen after we left last night?"

"Well..." Aurora trailed off. Not exactly one thing, but a whole chain of events.

"Something happened! Tell me!" Tanya shouted at her.

"So everyone had left already but DeShaun and him were still there. Then they were about to leave, but then Marshall tells DeShaun to take the keys and wait in the car. DeShaun goes and Marshall turns to me, and we start talking about how the day went and everything. Then he just stares at me, then out of nowhere he kisses me-"

"He did what?!" Tanya shrieked, her voice high-pitched.

"Well it wasn't like a full on kiss with tongue and everything, it was just like he put his mouth on mine... like a peck or something."

"Daaaaamn. This boy got me fucked up and I ain't even the one he did it to!"

"Like what kind of person kisses their friend on the lips? And then he does it again-"

"Again?! Lord Jesus, help me."

"No, no, and that's not even the crazy part! He told me that he loves me-"

Suddenly, Aurora heard a loud crash, like something fell. She guessed Tanya had knocked over the phone. There was a lot of fumbling around until Tanya finally spoke again.

"Sorry about that. Ok, puh-lease tell me you said it back."

"I... didn't."

"Well why didn't you?!"

"I was too shocked to say anything! Like I opened my mouth to say something and nothing came out. It was like I couldn't even speak."

"But do you?"

"Do I what?"

"Do you love him?"

Aurora pondered for a moment. Did she love Marshall? He had many loveable characteristics. He had alluring cerulean eyes. His baritone voice and his urban accent sent tingles down her spine. When he smiled or laughed, his dimples would show. His angular jawline. His protectiveness over her. He always wanted to assure her safety, he took bullets for her for crying out loud! He was sweet, he was caring, he was goofy, he was funny, he was... Marshall. So why was she doubtful?

"A? You there?" Tanya called out, pulling Aurora out of her daydream.

"Yeah. I... I don't know if I love him. I think it's just a crush." she replied, confusion seeping through her words. "But I do care for him. A lot." she added.

"This is such a hot mess!"

"What do you mean?"

"You have feelings for him but the problem is he has a girlfriend."

"Ugh, don't remind me." Of course, Kim. How could she have forgotten about Kim? She completely slipped Aurora's mind. She knew that Marshall loved Kim a lot. But obviously not the same way he loved her. "I feel like he loves me like a... like a little sister or something."

"A, that's ridiculous."

"It's probably true! He acts like the protective big brother to me! And those kisses or pecks or whatever they were are ones that you'd give your Great Aunt Susie!"

"How long were they?"

"The first one was like a second long and the second one was like two, max."

"Honey, those aren't ones that you'd give your Great Aunt Susie. First of all, you'd only give your Great Aunt Susie one, second of all it'd be like negative two million seconds long, and third of all he would be cringing. Was he cringing?"

"No, but why would be kiss me on the lips, my fucking lips, when he has a girlfriend?"

"Don't ask me, I don't know what goes on through that boy's damn head. You know what? I got an idea. I'm gonna call Bri and Chantelle for their opinion. I'm gonna put you on hold, ok?"

"Yeah, ok." Aurora set the phone down and breathed out a long sigh, trying to put her thoughts together. Talking to Tanya had helped her get a little of the confusion out of her, but there were still problems. Tanya was right, this was a huge mess. Pining after a guy who already had a girlfriend? It's not of her do that.

Tanya came back on the line after a couple of minutes.

"Ok, I'm back." she said.

"So what's your idea?"

"We set you up." Tanya stated simply.


"Look, I talked to Bri and Chantelle and they said it was a good idea. It'll maybe take your mind off Marshall for a bit and and help you get over your feelings or it could maybe make Marshall jealous, who knows? But we're going for making him jealous."

"But with who?"

"My brother has a friend named Kaleb who is hella fine and single!"

"I don't-" Aurora started to protest but Tanya cut her off.

"Listen, this boy is so fucking fine. Like if I could, I would, but he's my brother's friend and my brother would flip a bitch."


"Think about it. You guys could really hit it off or something. You in?"

"I really don't know..."

"A, come on! Please?" Tanya pleaded.

"Ugh... fine. I'm in."

"Yes! I'll tell my brother asap! And I'll give Kaleb your number, ok?"

"Yeah. Bye boo."

"Bye boo. See ya at practice."


Aurora heard the line go dead and she hung up the phone. She plopped back on her bed. Was this what she really wanted? Did she really wanted be set up with another guy? How would Marshall take it? Would he care? A big piece of her heart wished that he did. She hoped that this didn't result in a major heartbreak for her.

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