Chapter 4: Would You Rather...?

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A few days later, Marshall, Aurora and DeShaun met up at Marshall's house. His mom and Nate had gone to Grandma Betty's, so they were all alone. They were joking around and then Proof spoke.

"M, still got that fat pound?"

"Hell yeah I do."

Marshall left to go retrieve it.

"Aurora, ever smoked weed before?" Proof asked when Marshall came back.

"Uh... no."

"Well guess what? We're gonna teach you how to light up!" Marshall said mock enthusiastically.

Together, Marshall and DeShaun demonstrated how to roll the blunt. They then told her to lick it for it to seal. Marshall got out his lighter and lighted his. Aurora had hers lighted and it was close to her mouth.

"So you wanna chill your mouth and breathe in and out slowly, like this."
he showed her. Proof did the same.

Aurora tried and she erupted into a huge coughing fit. DeShaun and Marshall burst out laughing. "Yup, never trying that again." she mumbled hoarsely.

After they each caught their breath, DeShaun asked "You good?"

Aurora nodded. "I'm fine. That was bad though." she said, in distaste. Marshall and DeShaun chuckled again, shaking their heads. They all decided to make their way inside the house about twenty minutes later.

"Hey, let's play a game." Aurora sugggested. "Like 'Would You Rather' or something."

DeShaun and Marshall agreed, since they were pretty bored.

"Ok, I'll start." DeShaun said. "Would you rather piss every time you stand up, or shit every time you sit down?"

"I'd rather piss every time I stand up because you'd smell the shit more." Aurora said. Marshall and DeShaun's eyes widened to the size of golf balls, since they'd never heard her curse before.

"What are my innocent ears hearing?" Marshall dramatized, with his hands covering his ears. "My precious, innocent ears!"

"Man, shut yo' mouth!" DeShaun yelled, and threw a pillow at Marshall, who feigned hurt. "And answer the damn question!" DeShaun added.

"Yeah, I'd rather piss every time I stand up. That was a fucking stupid question." Marshall said. It was then Aurora's turn.

"Ok, would you rather... suck a hobo's smelly toe, or... kiss someone with meth mouth?" she asked.

"That's fucking disgusting. Kiss someone with meth mouth? Fuck no. I'd rather suck a hobo's toe."

Aurora giggled.

"Always knew you had a foot fetish Marshie." DeShaun smirked. Marshall flipped him off. "I'd rather suck a hobo's toe." he added.

"Ok faggots. Would you rather drink a diarrhea milkshake or eat a pube sandwich?" Marshall asked.

"Pube sandwich." Deshaun said.

"Uhhh... diarrhea milkshake." Aurora answered. Marshall and DeShaun shot her a weird look.

"You'd rather drink someone's diarrhea than eat someone's pubes?" the latter asked.

"Well yeah, I don't want a hairball accumulating in my throat!" she defended. The boys burst out laughing.

"You're fuckin' hilarious!" Marshall wheezed.

When they calmed down, it was DeShaun's turn again. "Would you rather drink a random girl's period blood, or drink a random guy's sperm?"

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