Chapter 9: They're Playin' Basketball

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It was two months into 1990. Sarah and Aurora had gotten cards tht arrived late from aunts, cousins, uncles, and grandparents on both sides of the family wishing them a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Aurora was now on a dance team at Detroit-Windsor Dance Academy on West Grand Boulevard. Auditions had taken place the previous month and Aurora was surprised she had gotten on the team, since she hadn't danced on a team since she was nine. The first practice was last week and Aurora had already made acquaintances and friends there. The latters' names were Tanya, Bri, and Chantelle. Bri and Chantelle went to Osborn, but Tanya went to Lincoln.

The dance instructor was a woman named Miss Giselle, and was in her early thirties. She told Aurora that she had killed it during practice and was shocked that she hadn't been on a team in years. The instructor taught them mainly hip hop choreography (which made Aurora very happy) but also other types of dances, such as jazz, ballet, contemporary, and Latin. Some of the dances like ballet and contemporary included elements of gymnastics in them, in which Aurora was rusty. But, even though she hadn't done gymnastics since she was about seven, she had still maintained her flexibility.

Aurora was currently in her room, doing her Calculus homework. She was getting a lot done and was zooming through problems. The phone in her room ringing broke her concentration. She sighed and picked it up.


"Aye baby girl, what are you doin' right now?" Marshall queried.

"I'm doing homework, why?"

"Well I was wondering if you wanted to play ball with me, DJ, Proof, and Manix? Wait, you do know how to play right?"

Aurora laughed. "Yeah I always used to play with my cousins."

"So you any-" Aurora heard the phone drop and then yelling and screaming in the background.

"Sorry 'bout that." Marshall said once he returned to the phone.

"Ummm, is everything ok there?"

"Just my mom being a dumb bitch.
Well, can you come?"

"Um, I have a few more problems, but I can finish them pretty quickly. Give me like... twenty minutes?" she estimated.

"Aight. We'll come get you. See ya, baby girl."

"See ya."

Within fifteen minutes, Aurora was finished with her homework. She changed into sporty gear, wearing a plain T, Puma shorts, and her old pair of Chucks. She then made her way downstairs. Her mom was at the new job she had gotten, and wouldn't return until late at night. Aurora watched TV for a bit before there was a knock at the door.

"You ready?" Marshall asked, holding a basketball as she swung the door open. DJ, Manix, and Proof were behind him.

"Yeah. Hey DeShaun, hey Matt, hey Mike."
DJ and Manix or Matt and Mike Ruby were twin brothers who like Marshall, didn't really go to school, but Aurora had met them a couple times before.

"Sup." Mike and DeShaun said simultaneously while Matt, who was holding another ball said "Yo".

Aurora locked the door and put the spare into a new hiding place, under a gnome.


They walked to a court on E. 7 Mile. The net was a little torn, but it would still would function.

"I just realized we aren't gonna have even teams, there's five of us." Aurora pointed out.

"Fuck it. We're still playing." Matt said.

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