Chapter 11: Unexpected Happenings Part 2

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When Mike, DeShaun, Matt, and Aurora had all finally woken up, it was 12:23 am. The nurse said Marshall could now see visitors, but only two at a time. The nurse led all four of them to room 124B, which was a few floors up so they used an elevator. Matt and Mike decided to go see Marshall first, while Aurora and DeShaun waited outside.

"I hope Doody's okay." DeShaun said.

"Me too, but 'Doody'?" Aurora questioned.

"Yeah, it's a name I came up for M. I thought of it before I fell asleep."


"Cause he's the shit."

Aurora chuckled. The pair talked and laughed more together quietly until Matt and Mike came out of the room.

"He ain't lookin' too good now, but he'll be fine later." Mike said. "The doc will explain."

That worried DeShaun and Aurora, but at the same time alleviated their anxiety. They went into the room and immediately they were greeted by the doctor.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Bahri, I'm assuming you're also Marshall's friends?" she asked. Aurora and DeShaun nodded. Dr. Bahri walked them over to the bed. "Well, as you know Marshall underwent surgery to have the two bullets removed. We were able to get all the big pieces out, but not the tiny fragments and a lot of times that happens. So, Marshall has lost a considerable amount of blood, almost a whole pint and a half, so no vigorous physical activities for a while; about three weeks. He also fractured his clavicle, as you can see here. Fortunately no major organs were hit." she pointed to the crack on the bone on the X-ray pictures. "He's on really strong pain killers right now, so he's very tired."

"So when is he gonna get released?" DeShaun asked.

"The day after tomorrow most likely. We're just being vey careful because gunshot wounds have a tendency to get infected. "

Dr. Bahri got the stethoscope around her neck put in the ear pieces. There was a moment of silence as she checked Marshall's pulse.

"We called his home and his mom picked up, but she said she was too tired and couldn't come by."

"Yeah, his mom isn't exactly mom of the year." DeShaun said.

"That's too bad. Well, I'm going to leave so you can talk to your friend." Dr. Bahri left, shutting the door behind her.

Aurora and DeShaun sat in the chairs by Marshall's hospital bed, and took some time to observe him. He was sitting up in the bed and he was shirtless, and sitting up in the bed. His left shoulder was elevated and covered in bandages, and blood seeped through. His eyes were squinted and his mouth was slightly open. From far, it looked like he was sleeping, but he actually wasn't.

"How you feeling?" Aurora asked softly.

"Just so fucking tired. I really hate hospitals." Marshall replied hoarsely, causing all three of them to chuckle quietly.

"Well, didn't you hear? you're not gonna get released until two days from now." DeShaun informed him.

"Well, fuck me."

"I'd rather not. I'm straight."

Marshall laughed weakly at that.

"Ayo, I have a new nickname for you." DeShaun said.

"What is it?" Marshall asked.


"Doody... are you callin' me shit?" Marshall questioned.

"Nah... A, tell him what I mean."

"He means you're the shit." Aurora explained.

"Hmmm.... I like it. You're the shit too, Doody." Marshall said to DeShaun.

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