Chapter 5: Confrontations and Revelations

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A month later, Aurora was at home with her mom. Sarah was still ignoring her and it really got to Aurora. They had just finished eating a really silent dinner. Aurora was making her way to her room when suddenly her mom spoke.

"I hope you're happy."
"What?" Aurora turned around.
"I said I hope you're happy. You lost me my husband and now I'm left with nothing."
"Are you serious?" Aurora's blood started to boil.
"You're very ungrateful, did you know that? He did so much for you and-"
"No, no no no no. I've said nothing for too long. Ever since dad died, you've treated me like an absolute piece of fucking shit! You've neglected me tossed me aside! You're my mother for crying out loud! You're supposed to love me! And you said Brett did so much for me? If you mean abusing me and calling me 'slut' every chance he gets! You know that I had no friends at my old schools! You knew that I was bullied! Do you know how many times I would cry myself to sleep? Do you know how much I cut myself because I was and still fucking am depressed?" Aurora rolled up her sleeves. By now, there were many rivulets of tears steaming down her face. "I was fine with a shitty school life. But it sucks when your shitty school life is the same as your home life." Aurora ran up the stairs her room and slammed the door. She quickly grabbed the chunky phone that was on her nightstand and dialled Marshall's number. He picked up on the second ring.
"Hello?" he said in a husky voice.
"M-Marshall? Can I please stay over at your house? Please? I c-can't stay here, I just had a huge argument with my mom and I j-just-I can't stay h-here." She was stuttering like crazy and it was very palpable that she had been crying.
"Holy damn! Fuck, are you okay? Wait, I'll come get you, ok? Just stay in your room and I'll be there. Just pack things you'll need. I'll be there soon!"

Marshall came in a record breaking 7 minutes. He barged into the unlocked house and failed to notice Sarah in the living room. He sprinted up the stairs to Aurora's room and what he saw broke his heart. She was on her bed with her knees drawn to her chest, crying her heart out. Marshall rushed to her side and wrapped his arms around her shaking frame and placing her in his lap.
"It'a gonna be ok." He said, rubbing her back in slow, sooting circles.
"It's gonna be ok, baby girl." He repeated. He continued to soothe her for a little while and once she sobered up enough to stop crying and was only reduced to hiccups.
"Can we go? I can't stand to be here any longer." Aurora rasped.
"Yeah let's go."
They went downstairs and made their way outside. There was Debbie's car in the driveway, which Marshall unlocked.
"You drove your Mom's car? But I thought you didn't have your license yet?" Aurora said, her voice still hoarse.
"I uh, kinda drive here illegally to get here faster because running would have been a fucking pain. I'm planning to get a license in a couple months." Marshall explained, while starting the car. He drove as quickly as he could to his house.

They entered Marshall's house and he helped her with her stuff.
"Ma!" he called out from the living room.
"Nate's sleeping, Mickey. Keep your voice down." Debbie said as she approached them. "Oh, who's this?" She asked, once her eyes settled on Aurora.
"This is Aurora, who I've told you about. She's gonna be crashing here tonight."
"Ok, just make sure to keep the noise level down. Nice meeting you, Aurora." Debbie said, then walked away.
Aurora and Marshall went to his room. Nathan wasn't in his crib because he was sleeping in Debbie's room. He going through a phase where he didn't like his crib anymore.
Aurora set her stuff down on the floor.
"You can sleep on the bed, I'll just sleep in the living room." Marshall said.
"No, I don't really feel like being alone right now. Can we sleep together in your bed?"
Marshall raised an eyebrow.
"I mean, can we sleep in your bed?" she quickly corrected herself.
They sat on his bed, facing eachother.

"He died in a car accident." Aurora said softly. Marshall looked at her confused. "What?"
"My dad. He died in a car accident when I was 9." Tears started to form in her eyes.
"I just miss him so much. He really liked hip hop dancing so he would always teach me new moves almost everyday. But, ever since I haven't found it in my heart to start up again. It just doesn't feel the same without him." Aurora sniffled, and tears leaked freely from her eyes. Marshall took her into his arms and laid them down so that her head was on his chest.
"Like two years after he died, my mom remarried a guy named Brett. He a-abused me verbally and physically. He even pushed m-me down the stairs once. But my mom didn't care. After daddy died, something in her changed. She j-just neglected me. And it didn't help that I was bullied a lot in school. It just sucked to go to school, g-get attacked by words, and then go home and it's the same thing. I had a huge argument with my mom over this. She w-was saying how Brett did so much for me and I'm so ungrateful and then I just snapped. I've never b-blown up at anyone like that. I was just holding it in for so long and I just had to release it."
Aurora looked up at Marshall.
"Marshall, p-promise me that you'll never leave me. That we'll a-always remain friends." she sobbed.
"I promise, baby girl." he kissed the top of her head. "I hope you don't mind me calling you that."
"Daddy used to call me that all the time. It feels nice to be called that again."
"Well sweet dreams baby girl." he kissed her head again. Before she knew it, Aurora had fallen into a deep sleep.

A/N: sorry for the shortness guys this idea was in my mind for a while now. my birthday was on monday (may 11) so now im 16! god feel old... anyways I had a long ass track meet on friday (long jump trials & finals) and got home around 11pm. also, something that i want to address: this story is called "patiently waiting" for a reason.

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