Chapter 12: Taking Care of Marshall

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The next day, Monday, came. Sarah had given Marshall a ride home because Debbie never showed up. She was worried about Aurora when she didn't come home on Saturday, but Aurora explained everything and Sarah understood.

Aurora was currently at dance practice and was sitting next to Bri, Tanya, and Chantelle. They were stretching along with the other members of the team, to reduce the risk of getting injured while dancing.

"Ok girls, let's do a slow walk through." Miss Giselle said. The girls stood up. "5, 6, 7, 8."

Miss Giselle started dancing with them, showing them where they were supposed to be at what count. When they finished the walkthrough, she went to the radio and put on the upbeat hip hop tune which the team would perform to in a week in a half. The music started, and Miss Giselle observed them.

"Renée, more umph!" she called. "There you go! That's it!"

"Simone, I need more emotion! Like you're dancing for your life!"

"Push it, girls! Don't get tired on me!"

She continued to observe the girls and then finally, the song ended. Miss Giselle clapped. "Great job girls! I see a few things here and there but they're very minor. Why don't you go take a water break?"

The girls were sweating and out of breath and went to go quench their thirst.

"I'm so pumped to perform." Chantelle said, after taking huge gulps of water.

"Same here. Hip hop's the best." Aurora agreed.

"The outfits we're gonna be wearing are so dope. I feel like a bad bitch." Tanya said.

"Girl, please." Bri said, making them all laugh.


An hour later, practice was over and Aurora's mom came to pick her up.

"How was practice?" Sarah asked Aurora.

"It was okay, just tweaking things here and there for the performance." Aurora replied, buckling her seatbelt.

"Are you excited?"

"Yeah, but also nervous because I haven't performed in a while."

"You'll do great, honey."

"Thanks mom." Aura smiled. "Oh, by the way, can you drop me off at Marshall's ? I want to see how he's doing."


Sarah dropped her daughter off at Marshall's.

"Just call me when you're done, okay?" Sarah called out to Aurora, as Aurora was getting out of the car.

"Ok, bye mom!"

Sarah bid her goodbye as well, then drove away.

Aurora knocked on the front door, and Debbie answered.

"Marshall's in his room." she said in a bitter tone, then walked away.

Aurora tapped on Marshall's room door before she entered. Marshall was laying on his bed, shirtless, but was wearing his sling that wrapped around his shoulders, and the straps met in the middle of his back. He was spacing out but listening to the Beastie Boys record Aurora had gotten him for Christmas. He turned slowly to look at her, then his face broke into a smile.

"Hey." he said.

"Hey." Aurora replied. "Feeling any better?"

"A little, but it still hurts so damn much." he readjusted the ice pack on his shoulder.

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