Acknowledgements + Sequel Announcement & Preview

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After a lot of thought, I have decided to end Patiently Waiting. I thank ZoeTheHalfrican and TeeganLukasiewicz for helping me make a decision, because I am a very indecisive person.

I would like to thank the following people for Patiently Waiting's success:

ZoeTheHalfrican, rookiem, originalwanksta, lautnerslily, MrsNiallHoranLives, kayla_fierce, slimsXshady, ShaniaVsEverybody, mbmiii, fack_eminem, TheFemalePsychopath, Siri_Ess, Danijela01, cjf9142018, Mini_Coco_Gem, jaaackie313, marlyn_rodrigx, unknownEminemwriter, msp12345, Sundae_Starr, stormtail, NavyBG4Ever, RobertaBaker, stantrash, Eminemslim313, slxmshxdy313, 18Writer, xBlueLacex, ME_MEE_ME, cveti991, dryrus, HomicidalJulia, TeeganLukasiewicz, eminemlover98, lovemyreign, mimi__15, willowmoonblood, ImmyShadysGirl, h_mathers_, littleshadyinfinity, smoshystan, and the list goes on and on. If I didn't mention you, don't think that you didn't contribute to this book's success, because you did ☺ ❤!

I never thought that I would make it to 8K on this book, or even 1K for that matter. So thank you guys for avidly reading, commenting, voting, and adding this book to your Reading Lists! It means so much me to me ❤!

Patiently Waiting may be over, but have no fear, a sequel is near! It's titled Same Song & Dance. I don't know when I'll publish the first chapter, but it should be soon, within a month, but most likely less than that. Here is a little snippet:

Chapter 1: Ten Years Later...

May 2000


I ended up leaving Detroit and moving back to L.A. with my mom. It was hard, but she was able to get her old job back. After a long decision making process, I chose to attend CalArts for college. I got my BFA (Bachelor of Fine Arts), and did gigs in L.A. for a while. Then, last year, I stumbled upon an audition to be one of Missy Elliott's back up dancers. I wasn't expecting to get a spot, but surprisingly I did.

I know that when I left Detroit, I didn't only leave behind Marshall, but also DeShaun, Tanya, Chantelle, Bri, Matt, Mike, James, Champ, Steve, and Nate as well. I feel terrible that I left with no heads up or explanation, and that guilt will always weigh on my conscience.

Other than that, life is going pretty good for me; I'm twenty six, single, and not ready to mingle. I like the stability in my life, and everyday is a routine that I'm used to. I think that change is good sometimes, but after leaving Detroit, I yearned for a lifestyle that was in my control, and wasn't going to be disrupted by anyone or anything.

My appearance is different than what it used to be. Because of living in L.A., my skin has darkened considerably and I love it. Living in Michigan made me pale and lose my colour, but I'm pretty tan now. My eyes, if it was even possible, have turned a lighter green. I cut off most of my long hair, and it now just grazes my shoulders in an a line haircut. My curls are more defined, and my hair is also a darker blonde, almost a chesnut brown. I'm chunkier too; I've filled out in some areas such as my cheeks, my ass, my chest, and my thighs.

I guess you could also say that I've toughened up. I haven't cried in nearly ten years. I work out a lot, and I've even taken martial arts classes. My nose and cartilage are pierced, and I also have three tattoos. To honor my dad, I have one across my upper back saying "You may be gone, but you're never over" in cursive and then underneath there's his birthday and death day in Roman numerals. And on my wrists, I have matching wings because I wanted to cover up my ugly scars from cutting.

I haven't talked to Marshall in ten years. I've seen him a couple of times here and there with his entourage, primarily because he did a song with Missy and they're friends, but I avoided him like he was the plague. But it seems like everywhere I go, he's there. I turn on the TV, he's in an interview or one of his music videos is showing. I'm listening to the radio, and his songs come on. I read a magazine, and a controversial headline surrounds his name. I step outside, and people are constantly talking about him.

What he did to me hurt a lot. I spent the past years rebuilding myself because I was a complete wreck. I didn't eat, I didn't sleep, I didn't talk, and I was contemplating on reverting back to my old ways of self harm. This happened for a month and a half, but auditions forced me to change. And something else happened too, but I don't want to even get into that right now.

I didn't date much after Marshall either primarily because a) I had trust issues and b) I was too busy. I was and still am afraid of getting hurt again, because if that happens again, I don't know what I'd do. Because of this, I stopped the few relationships that I was in before they got too serious.

But as much as I resent Marshall, a part of me is proud of him and happy that he got recognised. He didn't believe that he ever would, but I did. And look now, apparently he's triple platinum. I'm happy that he finally got his name out and that people recognised his raw and incomparable talent. Because I know how much he craved to get famous, but he never thought that he'd blow up like he has.

I might change it up a little here and there, but that's basically the gist of it!
See you guys in Same Song & Dance!

- reignofshady ❤ xx

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