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Marshall, Deshaun, Aurora and Kim went back to Marshall's after White Castle. They were all in the living room and surprisingly, Marshall and Kim weren't playing tonsil hockey, but he did have his arm around her shoulders.
"Hey Aurora, stay at mine tonight. M's boring as the hell." Deshaun said. Marshall gave him a look that said 'shut the fuck up' and Aurora giggled at that.
"Yeah sure, if it doesn't hurt Marshall's self-esteem." she replied, still laughing.
"I'll have you know that I'm a very fucking exciting person!"
"Nigga, shut yo mouth." Deshaun chuckled. "It's a miracle she spent as much time as she did with yo' ass."
Marshall threw the closest thing next to him at Deshaun which just happened to be a cushion. Deshaun caught it and threw Marshall a smug look. Marshall then flipped him off.
Deshaun flipped him off back. Marshall put both middle fingers up. Deshaun did the same. Aurora found this the most amusing thing and burst out laughing. Kim was putting up a fight not to, but giggles eventually escaped her. Deshaun and Marshall joined in the laughter as well.
"Days like this I wish my toes could flip people off." Marshall said. Deshaun threw back the pillow which Marshall had thrown at him, nailing Marshall right in the head. That caused them all to laugh even harder.

Aurora had packed her things and left with Deshaun to go to his house, while Kim and Marshall stayed at Marshall's.

"Why didn't you tell me she slept here?" Kim asked Marshall, after Aurora and Deshaun had left.
"I didn't think it was that big a deal. She and her mom had a fight and she was crying hysterically. She needed a place to stay and it wasn't like I was gonna fuckin' say 'no'."
"She's gonna steal you from me." Kim mumbled.
"She ain't gonna. The fuck you jealous for?" Marshall held her face in his hands. "Listen, baby. You're the only one I got my eyes on. I love you and only you." he emphasized.
Kim's heart fluttered.
"I love you too, baby." she breathed.
Marshall then leaned in to capture her lips in a passionate kiss.

When Aurora and Deshaun got to his house, his mom, Pepper, was home. She welcomed them, and Deshaun introduced Aurora to her. She was a single mother, but she was really amiable. She went away so she could leave the kids to themselves.

"Aye, why did Kim need to talk to you for?" Deshaun asked once they settled into his room.
"Nothing, just, you know, girl things. Like Kim said." she lied. Deshaun didn't believe it.
"You know I don't buy shit. Tell me the truth." he said.
"Okay, she may have told me to stay away from Marshall."
Deshaun's eyes snapped to look her.
"What the fuck?! Does Marshall know?"
"No, he doesn't and I don't plan on telling him."
"Why not? He should know his girlfriend his a jealous, petty bitch!"
"Look, I don't want to give her another reason to not like me. And I don't want to ruin their relationship. They're genuinely happy together." Aurora defended. "Please don't tell Marshall." she pleaded.
"Ugh... fine. But this makes me hate her even more. Saying she don't like you just because you're friends with Marshall when she don't even know you." Deshaun scoffed.
"When she said she didn't like me, it was like I was at my old school again." Aurora said. Deshaun sent her a puzzled look. Aurora sighed.
"I was bullied. A lot. Ever since I was little. I was really quiet and never really spoke or opened up to anyone so I guess people didnt like that so they bullied me for it." she explained.
"Damn, sorry to hear that, A. Those people don't know what a great person you are." Deshaun complimented.
"Thanks. And I guess you deserve to know my home life too. And why I am the way I am."

She relayed everything she told Marshall the previous night; from her father passing from a car wreck, to her mom ignoring her after, to Brett abusing her. Deshaun felt deep, deep sympathy for the girl. He hugged her for a long time, and she shed a few tears, but she disnt cry hysterically as she had did the night before.

When she had stopped crying, they went to go get food in the kitchen. After their hunger was satiated, they went into the living room and watched TV. A Christmas commercial came on, telling people to do last minute Christmas shopping.

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