Chapter 22: (Kiss and) Make Up?

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A/N: I feel like every time I update this, it's gonna start with an apology. I really am sorry guys, please don't think that I'm giving up on this story, I'm not! I don't care if I'm 80 years old with wrinkles and all; I'm not gonna give up on this story! ZoeTheHalfrican slipped me dat update juice, so thank you Zoe lol. It just takes a long time to digest, like a couple of days. And also nowadays if my chapters are less than 1700 words, I won't update them until they are around 1900-2000.

Some people *cough cough* thebiterphobia *cough cough* have been... annoying me to update this. Sorry not everyone can update 452, 576, 667 times a day like you. I joke, I joke. I kid, I kid. Hehehhh (please don't hurt me)!

I want to give a big thank you and dedicate this chapter to taylorangelique because she suggested but at the same time not really suggested that I do part of this chapter in Marshall's POV. But that had me thinking. I hadn't really thought of doing it in his POV, I was just gonna do it in Aurora's, as usual. But why not change things up a bit?

Enjoy the chapter, and I love every single one of you guys for reading❤. Can't believe I reached 5K on this!

Marshall had endured a rough week. He had gotten an eviction notice, he found his mom in bed with a guy probably not much older than him, and suddenly his piece of junk car didn't feel like starting. He was left to his own devices, to go on foot to and from work. To top it all off, he saw Aurora with some guy, and they seemed to be on a date. He noticed that she dolled herself up for that guy, with her hair straight. He had never seen her hair straight. It was always a mass of unruly curls haloing around her head. He watched them as they talked and laughed together, and he couldn't help but feel extremely protective over her, and immense jealousy. He didn't know who that guy was, but already, he didn't like him.

The truth was, he missed Aurora. A lot. He missed hearing her voice, he missed talking to her, he missed teasing her, he just missed her. A lot of stress had been eating him away, and he felt like she was the only one who would really listen to his problems. Something about her just always made him feel calm; he didn't know if it was her sweet voice or understanding nature.

He really shouldn't have kissed her, all it did was complicate things and make things between them awkward. Well actually, he didn't regret kissing her (the kiss was pretty fantastic, in his opinion), he just didn't like how it caused things between them to be. He didn't really know what was going through his mind at that time, but something was urging him 'kiss her, kiss her'.

There was that one saying, "absence makes the heart grow fonder". The more time she was away from him, the more he came into realisation that he had feelings for her, something you'd feel for someone that's more than a friend. He already knew he loved her, and he was coming into terms that maybe he was in love with her. She wasn't someone who was hard to fall in love with. She was funny, gorgeous, smart, and she barely made him angered. Kim made him angry on so many accounts; it was like she lived for it.

Marshall lowered his beanie more as he walked through a black neighborhood. He always used to get beat up just because he walked through those neighborhoods, but it hadn't happened in a while. One time, some guys jumped him and Manix, and took their Flava Flav chain.

Much to his chagrin, a group of black guys were approaching him, laughing as one of them cracked a joke.

"Aye, look at that honkey over there!" one of them hollered. "I'm pretty sure Rochester Hills is thatta way." he said, pointing in the opposite direction. His friends guffawed along with him.

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