Chapter 27: The Eye of the Storm Part 2

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A/N: Double updates? Is the world ending? Are pigs flying? Thank you again to ZoeTheHalfrican for giving me 2x of dat update juice.

Marshall made his way outside, where Mike, Champ, Chaos, Chantelle, Tanya, and Matt were watching Trick make hearts from the weed he was smoking. He would just blow rings at first, and then he quickly but strategically snap his finger at the top, making the indentation of a heart.

They 'oooo'ed and 'aaaah'ed at the trick by Trick.

"You wanna try?" Trick asked, holding out the blunt to Marshall.

"Sure," he agreed agreed, taking the blunt from Trick. It was pretty cool, he had to admit, but he had to hurry because Aurora was going to be wondering where he was. He started to consistently blow out rings of smoke, and then he tried to snap down his finger like Trick did. After ten failed attempts, Marshall accepted defeat, and handed over the blunt back to Trick.

"I can't get it man, but that's pretty dope." he commented.

"Practice makes perfect," Trick grinned. They shared a bro hug, and then Marshall went back inside, and Sage was still keeping watch, like he asked her to.

"Thanks," he said, gulping the rest of beer, and throwing the cup away. She eyed the action in satisfaction, and hummed a "you're welcome". He left the room and the corners of her mouth were upturned in a smirk. Her plot was starting to fall into place.

Marshall took Aurora's drink and pizza to her, sitting down where he was seated before he left.

"Sorry," he apologised. "I got a lil' held up."

"Thank you, it's fine." She was questioning herself what was taking him so long, and she was a little bit impatient before, but she shrugged it off. The important thing was she got her pizza and drink. She took a bite out of her pizza, and sipped from her beer.

"Yo, we should start a game of beer pong." DeShaun suggested.

"Count me in!" Stezo yelled.

"Fuck yeah!" Vitamin C shouted.

"I'm in," Ronnie replied.

"I'm gonna sit this one out." Bri replied.

"Same," Aurora responded.

Marshall glanced at his girlfriend. "Same here." he brought his arm around her shoulder.

"Marshall, I know you wanna go." she murmured in his ear, reading him like a book. "Go play," she encouraged.

"No, baby girl. I wanna stay here with you." he replied, kissing her hair.

"I'll still be here when you come back, go have fun." she reassured.

"Fine, I'll go." he conceded. He briefly brushed their lips together before he stood up.

"A, how did you get so lucky?" Bri asked, fanning herself. "I wish I had a man like that." 

"I don't know B, I don't know." It wasn't until then that Aurora noticed Sage, who was sitting alone in a dark corner. She thought the girl was nice, but she was too quiet, like she was shy.

"Sage, come here! You're too quiet girl!" Aurora beckoned her over, patting the spot next to her on the couch.

She sat next to Aurora, and crossed her legs.

"Have you been alone the whole party?" Aurora asked.

"Yeah," Sage said sheepishly.

"Well that will be no more!" she said excitedly. As if on cue, Chantelle and Tanya walked into the room.

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