Chapter 20: The Date Part 1

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A/N: Holy shit! I haven't updated in over a week! I've just been really lazy ugh, sorry guys 😔... I knew what I was going to do for this chapter, but I was too lazy to write it out. To make it up to you guys, I made this chapter extra long (2,335 words excluding this long ass author's note).

And I start school soon, bleh. When do y'all start, and what grade are you gonna be in? I start Aug. 26th and I'm gonna be a junior (11th grade) in highschool.

Shout out to my mains stillmxtic for reaching 1.8K reads on her fanfic Never 2 Far and ThatZoeGirl18 for reaching almost 2K on her fanfic You're More Than A Friend! Congrats girlies! You guys should go check them out (if you haven't already)!

I hope you guys enjoy this, I had a lot of fun writing it. Sorry for this long ass author's note, haha. Let the reading commence!

A few days passed, and Aurora hadn't talked to Marshall at all. Usually, they would call each other up almost everyday, just to see how things are going, and they would also meet in person a few times a week, but none of those things had happened. It felt foreign to Aurora because she was used to hearing his voice so often. She cringed at the very palpable awkward note they left on. Why did he kiss her? Was he confused? Was he curious? Or was it in the 'spur of the moment' kind of thing? Whatever it was, she just hoped their friendship wasn't ruined. As much as she didn't want to believe it, she knew it was only a matter of time before him and Kim got back together.

Aurora had started her period that morning and she was laying in bed. She was wincing in pain, constantly tossing and turning as she waited for the Ibuprofen to take its effect. She felt like she was going into labor rather than just being on her monthly. The phone on her nightstand rang and she let out a loud groan. She reached over, with no intention of getting up, and grasped the phone in her hand.

"Hello?" she croaked weakly.

"This is Aurora right?" a deep, baritone voice, with a slight rasp asked her.

"Yes...?" she said suspiciously.

"Hey Aurora, It's Kaleb."

Kaleb... that name sounded very familiar. She couldn't remember when she heard it. She remained in silence as she thought deeply. Oh, Kaleb! Tanya's brother's friend who she tried to set her up with! And who also, according to Tanya, is really attractive. Since her mind was occupied with all the stuff going on between her and Marshall, she had completely forgotten about Kaleb.

She cleared her throat a bit to get rid of the hoarseness. "Oh, hey!" she spoke calmly, but internally she was screaming.

"I, uh... was wondering if you're free Friday night?" he inquired, with a tinge of shyness.

"Friday night I have dance practice, but I'm free Friday afternoon?"

"Aight yeah. I'll see you then. I'll pick you up at... two. Is that okay?"

She approved and briefly gave him her address. "So, where are we going?" she then asked out of curiosity.

"It's a surprise."

She could practically hear the smile in his voice. "Alright then. See you."

"See you."

Aurora hung up and placed the phone back in its holder. She turned over in her bed and then her stomach let out a loud, resounding grumble, letting her know it needed food. She sat up and wrapped her smaller blanket around herself. As she stood up, she felt as if she had gotten trampled by an elephant, and then got ran over by a bus. She really wondered when the medicine was going to kick in.

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