Chapter 16: Quality Time With DeShaun & Marshall

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Months passed and it was already July. Sarah and Brett had divorced, but it would take a while for everything to be finalized. He was going to charged with child abuse and also robbery. Aurora was right. Brett had robbed a bank before they moved to Detroit. He was telling the truth when he said he never left Detroit, he was just jumping around the city, changing his location every now and then. Aurora graduated highschool with a 3.9 GPA and had gotten a job at Krogers shortly after. There she worked three days a week, and she worked so little because she had to balance dance practices and performances as well. She had also gotten her driver's permit and was in the midst of the process to get her license.

Marshall had already gotten his license and drove a '79 Lincoln which used to be his Uncle Todd's. Marshall was a very busy man. He was putting in six days a week at work but somehow found a way to meet up with Mike, Matt, James, and Steve to work on their homemade demo tape Steppin' on the Scene, and then also make time to hang out with DeShaun and Aurora. To pay the hospital bill, Debbie had loaned money from a man that she had slept with previously, much to Marshall's displeasure.

It was a Saturday evening, and she had Marshall and DeShaun over while her mom was at work. The boys were currently lounging on the sofa munching on Doritos, while Aurora inserted the VHS for the movie Ferris Bueller's Day Off into the VCR. When she was finished, she sat in between Marshall and DeShaun.

Marshall pulled Aurora closer to him, so that his arm was wrapped around her and her head rested on his chest.

"Ya'll should just date already." DeShaun commented half jokingly, with a slight smile on his face, and eyeing his friends.

"Ha, you're funny Doody." Marshall said smiling. Aurora laughed and tried to shrug it off like it was nothing. But the thing was, whenever Marshall held her hand, kissed or cheek or hugged her, she felt something. He always seemed to make her heart beat faster and her breath hitch in her throat with the caring gestures he did. As cliché as it sounded, he made her knees feel weak. But she knew that she was only setting herself up for heartbreak since he had a girlfriend whom he seemed to love a lot. She just couldn't help her feelings. Caught up in her thoughts, she hasn't realised that the cheesy previews had ended and the movie started.

The teenage boy, Ferris, was in bed faking sickness so he didn't have to go to school. His parents were all over him and were completely believing it. His sister Jeanie on the other hand, couldn't believe her ears and knew it was a total hoax. Exasperated, she left Ferris' room.

At school, one of Ferris' teachers was taking attendance.

"Bueller...? Bueller...? Bueller...? Bueller...?"

"Shut the fuck up..." Aurora heard Marshall mumble, making her giggle.

The movie continued, and every time their was a funny part (which was pretty often), Aurora could feel Marshall's body vibrating and shaking as he let out a laugh.


"Yo, let's prank call some people." Marshall suggested once the movie was over. "Baby girl, you got a phone book?"

Aurora nodded and went to go retrieve it. When she came back, she handed it to Marshall and he took it, flipping through the pages. He dialled a number on the phone and cleared his throat.

"Hello? It's Jason." a man with a rough voice spoke.

"Jason? I know you done stole my chickens." Marshall asked, putting on a thick redneck accent.

"Who the fuck is this?!"

"It's Billy Bob. What in tarnation was you thinking? I want my chickens back! Or else I'm gonna be waiting at your house with a shotgun and a forty!"

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