Chapter 24: Wreaking Havoc

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A/N: Okay y'all, I'm back! I've missed not writing so damn much and I know that I haven't updated in over a month and I am so sorry guys! I'm trying to update more frequently because something major is coming up and I don't want to keep you guys waiting. This chapter is dedicated to every single one of you reading! And thank you to ZoeTheHalfrican for slipping me dat update juice (again).

My new phone is great and I love it a lot, and we have my sister to thank for that! Enjoy this chapter y'all! I ain't gonna drag this author's note out so let's begin !

The following morning, Marshall was the first one to wake up. He spent his time admiring the curly haired beauty next to him, and softly kissed her temple. She shifted slightly, and snuggled deeper into his arms in her deep state of slumber. Marshall kissed her again, and he decided that he would continue doing so until she awoke.

Aurora, who kept feeling a tingling sensation on her face, slowly opened her eyes, her vision blurry. Marshall finally came into focus, and a sleepy smile formed on her lips.

"Morning." Marshall greeted, brushing his lips against hers.

"Morning." she replied, then she looked at him strangely, almost a double take. "Wait- what are you doing here?" she asked.

"I came here in the middle of the night, y'don't remember?" Marshall looked at her confusedly.

She continued to stare at him until she recollected the vague memory from the previous evening. She nodded and said "I think I remember now. I was like half asleep when you came in though."

"Yeah you talk funny when you're half asleep." he stated, teasing her.

"How?" she asked, her lips upturned.

"I can't even understand what your sayin', you're like 'wha tmmm mmrmmmrr smshgmhmfghjsl'."

"What are you even trying to say?" she giggled.

"My point exactly." he kissed her yet again, and she returned it but soon pulled away.


He silenced her with another kiss.

"Marshall!" she exclaimed.

"What?" he asked innocently, claiming her lips again. She broke away abruptly.

"Yo, I'm trynna kiss you here." he said exasperatedly.

"And you can, once we've both brushed our teeth." she reasoned. "I'm gonna go eat breakfast."

"Aight, I'm gonna stay here a lil longer. I'm still tired. "

"Alright." She replied and made to get our of her bed, but Marshall flipped her under him, and planted a bruising kiss on her lips.

"Goddammit, Marshall!" She exclaimed, and slapped her hand across his chest. She had an irritated look on her face and he laughed at her. It wasn't long before she started laughing with him as well.

"Nothing can satisfy you," she stated.

"I know." he responded and stole yet another kiss.

Aurora scrunched up her nose. "OK, ok. That's enough now. Stop smothering me so I can go eat."

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