Chapter 25: Reminiscing

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A/N: I thought I was being slick about the photo frame but ya'll too smart, damn it. I tried though. Star for effort?

Get out your tissues, guys. This one's kinda emotional. Part of this chapter will be in 1979, so Aurora is five years old. Enjoy, guys!

June 16th, 1979; Los Angeles, California

It was the day before Father's Day. Since he had plans to take his daughter to San Diego, Darrell wanted to wake Aurora up early so they could avoid the terrible traffic. He knocked on her bedroom door, and opened it, the hinges creaking ever so slightly.

There she was, holding close her favourite stuffed animal koala named "KiKi" and her mass of curly hair laying haphazardly across her pillow. She was emitting soft snores, signifying that she was in a deep slumber. Her blankets were on the floor due to the brutal California heat.

Darrell hated that he was about to disturb her sleep, but he had to wake her up if they were to arrive in San Diego in time.

He walked to her bedside, and gently shook her. She shifted slightly, and turned to the side. Darrell shook her a little more.

"Aurora, wake up baby."

Her eyes popped open and she abruptly sat up. She rubbed her eyes and stifled a yawn.

"Daddy? What time is it?" she asked, in a sleepy voice.

"It's seven."

"It's so early!" she exclaimed.

"Yeah I know baby. But get ready, we're going to the beach."

That grabbed her attention? "The beach?" she relayed. "Then I need my swimsuit!"

Darrell chuckled. "Yeah, but all of your stuff is already packed. All you have to do is go eat breakfast, and I'll run you a bath."

"Okay Daddy."

She swung her small arms around his neck, and then planted a kiss on his cheek. Then she got out of bed and skipped happily to the kitchen.

Sarah was away at work, but she was going to meet Aurora and Darrell in San Diego on the actual day of Father's Day.

Aurora ate her Fruit Loops as fast as she could and then went to go take a bath. After she bathed, she got dressed.

"Daddy, I'm still sleepy." she said, as she walked into the living room, with her sandals in hand.

"It's okay, you can sleep on the way there." he replied, picking at his medium sized afro.

She nodded, yawned yet again, and started to put on her shoes. She finished and stood up, "I'm ready!" she exclaimed.

Darrell burst out laughing. "Baby, your shoes are on the opposite feet," he pointed out. Aurora looked down and she realized he was right.

"I'm silly!" she said giggling, and leaned down to go fix them. Once she finished putting both of the shoes on their respected feet, it was time to go.


San Diego, California

The traffic wasn't too bad, due to their early departure. Darrell tried his best to keep the car as cool as possible, but it was nearly impossible, thanks to the near a hundred degree temperature outside. He glanced at the overhead mirror every now and then to check on the sleeping state of his daughter.

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