Chapter 26: The Eye of the Storm Part 1

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A/N: Y'all didn't expect me to update so soon huh? These two chapters are gonna be wild, do y'all think you can handle it?

Thank you to ZoeTheHalfrican for giving me twice the amount of dat update juice. It was well needed.

Enjoy the double updates!

It was mid-October. Leaves were changing their colours, and many fell woefully to the ground. Things were going well for Aurora and Marshall. They went on multiple dates, and also made love for the first time earlier that month. Aurora hadn't expected to do so soon, since she and Marshall had been dating for only two and a half months. But, she always wanted her first time to be with someone whom she loved, and she loved Marshall. It hurt a lot at first, but it eventually wore off. Marshall was attentive and gentle, which helped ease some of the pain. After the pain wore off, she experienced some of the best feelings she had ever felt in her life.

Marshall's birthday that day, and the party was going to be held at Manix and DJ Buttafingaz's house, because their parents were going to be out of town until November. It was going to be a joint party for DeShaun and Marshall, since their birthdays were so close together, but DeShaun declined. Marshall had told Aurora that there were gonna be a few people he wanted her to meet.

Bassmint Productions finally had their demo Steppin' on to the Scene released. That ensued being on DJ Lisa Lisa's open mic night on 96.3 WHYT on Friday nights, where they were becoming favourites. DeShaun was encouraging Marshall to participate in rap battles, but the latter was reluctant to because of his skin colour.

Aurora, on the other hand, was currently looking at colleges with good dance programs. She wanted to stay in Michigan, so she could still be close to Marshall, but she had her eyes open to options in other states. She was reading a pamphlet about Julliard, while sipping some of her tea.

"Colleges?" Sarah asked, while walking into the room to get a mug from the cupboard.

"Yup." Aurora replied, her eyes not leaving the page.

"Is that for Julliard? I had no idea you wanted to apply there," Sarah commented.

"I don't, I'm just curious." she started. "Their acceptance rate is low, their total tuition and fees are so high that even with a scholarship it'd still be pricey. And I feel like I'd be surrounded by pish posh people if I went there. Not to mention, I don't think I'm a New York type of person." she finished.

"Your top choice is still CalArts right?" Sarah asked, pouring coffee into her mug.

"Yeah." Aurora replied, finishing the tea.

"Honey, the tuition's so high. I don't know if we could even afford that."

"I know it's high, but I read that compared to Julliard, they offer really good scholarships. If they really like my audition, they could take off up to half of the tuition."

"That's great!"

"I know it is," Aurora sighed. "But I don't know how I feel about leaving Michigan for college. I want to be close to Marshall, and I don't know how long distance would work between us. We'd probably be so busy that we couldn't even talk to each other anymore. And then our relationship would just crumble." she said into her hands.

Sarah walked over to her daughter, and rubbed her shoulders from behind her. "Hey, honey, you still have a lot of time to figure things out. And even if you did go to college somewhere else, Marshall would make time for you because he loves you," Sarah reassured.

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