Chapter 14: F.U.N.

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Aurora dropped her bag on the floor and face planted into the sofa. She had just returned from a work-filled, seemingly interminable day at school. Of course her teachers had decided to dump a load of work on her. Fortunately, she had started her spring vacation, so she had time to relax.

"Aurora, there's some sandwiches in the fridge!" Sarah yelled from the kitchen.

"Okay!" Aurora yelled back, her voice muffled.

After laying on the sofa face-down for a little while, Aurora helped herself to the BLT sandwich and made her way to the living room. She turned on the TV and there was an episode of Full House on, and she decided to watch it while taking bites of the delicious sandwich. When Aurora finished eating, she went to her room and took a nap.


Aurora awoke to the phone ringing. Groaning, she reached to her night stand and picked it up.

"Hello?" she asked, her voice slightly raspy.

"Hey baby girl." Marshall said from the other end of the phone. His gunshot wounds were healing, but he sometimes complained about pain in his shoulder.

"Hey Marshall. What's up?"

"Uh, you up for a party?"

"A party?" she relayed.

"Well, not really a party, more like hangout out at my house."

"Don't you have work?"

"I did, I finished at five. I'll provably have to start working more hours anyway..."

"Did the hospital bill come or something?"

"Yeah. They want fucking three thousand."

Aurora's eyes widened to the size of basketballs. "Three thousand? Damn, that's so much!"

"Yeah, but hopefully I can get more shifts at work or my mom can win at Bingo."

"I hope so too."

"But anyway, my mom's about to go to Bingo, Nate's at my Grandma Betty's and I got my boy Proof here with me, and we need some people to smoke this weed with."

"Um, remember last time I smoked weed? I almost coughed my fucking lungs out."

Marshall laughed, and Aurora heard DeShaun laugh as well in the background.

"Yo, you just gotta get used to it. And I'd pay money to see you high." Marshall said.

"So would I!" DeShaun yelled.

"I mean, I felt a little more relaxed after I did it, but it smells like shit. Like..." she was thinking. "Diarrhea."

"Diarrhea?" the boys laughed together.

"Mhmm. So I don't really wanna do it again."

"Suit yourself. But call up some of your friends, see if they can come, aight?"


"We need to work on that."

Aurora rolled her eyes, hit the receiver and called Chantelle. She didn't pick up so Aurora called Bri. Bri answered, and although she really wanted to go to the party, she had to babysit her baby sister and her baby cousin. Aurora understood and dialled Tanya's number.


"Hey Tanya, it's Aurora. Marshall's having a party and he's wondering if you could come?"

"Yeah sure. Do you want me to come pick you up? Then you can tell me the directions?"

"Ok thanks, sounds good."

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