Chapter 1

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Nobody's POV
You were just getting out of the shower to get ready for school your mom called you to come eat

Y/n: I'm coming mom
Y/m: alright, don't take to long
Y/n: I won't

You get Down stairs and see that you mom made pancakes

You finish up your pancakes then went to your car and drove to school

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You finish up your pancakes then went to your car and drove to school. when you got to school you saw one of your crushes


K: hey y/n hru
Y/n: I'm good hru Kobe
K:I'm goo-
S: I'm good too
Sora interrupting Kobe
K: why tf did you interrupt me
S: sorry
K: what do you mean sorry
Kobe said In a mocking way
Y/n: stop sora and Kobe why are y'all like this
K&S: sorry
They went to class and then school went by so fast(they are all in college).

S: hey y/n do you want to go out on a date with me
Y/n: I would really love that

Kobe overheard and was hurt that y/n is going on a date with sora. He was so hurt that he was planning on jumping sora with

 He was so hurt that he was planning on jumping sora with

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Friends with Kobe

Derek18 Friends with Kobe

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Friends with Kobe

Kobe called his friends to come over to his house so they can set up a plan to jump sora.

Phone call between y/n and sora

Y/n: hey sora
S: hey y/n
Y/n: so were are we going to for our date
S: Olive Garden
Y/n: yum that sounds really good
S: alright ima call pick you up at like 7pm
Y/n: ok bye
S: bye

*Call ended*

Y/n got ready for the date and wore this

*Call ended*Y/n got ready for the date and wore this

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Sora was at your door knocking

Y/n: who is it
S: sora

Y/n opened the door.

S: y/n you look beautiful
Y/n: you look good to
S: thx

They got in the car and drove to Olive Garden. Once they made it to Olive Garden sora opened the door and then....


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