Chapter 5

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Kobe came over to your house to discuss on what happened between you two

K: so y/n I'm so sorry any what happened can we still be together or did you still have feelings for Sora

__________☁️y/n's thoughts☁️_________
Tbh I really love Sora but I also love Kobe. Kobe makes me feel safe and horny.Sora makes me feel like I am in charge most of the time and he doesn't handle me but I like that most of the time. Sometimes I wish we could have a thresome with each other but Kobe and Sora don't get along.
_________☁️End of y/n's thoughts☁️________

Y/n: I love you Kobe Idk if I still have feelings for Sora but I do love you and only you you make me feel goo daddy and I love the way you make me feel in bad and when I get to talk to you

K: I love you to mamas you make me feel good in bed and when I get to talk to you. I also love it when you call me daddy

Y/n: daddy I want to be with you forever

You start to notice that every time you call him daddy he gets hard so you decide to say it on more time and he says "stop mamas you getting me hard" you say " baby I'm sorry but you friend is getting happy every time I say it" he laughed.

Kobe started licking his lips and looking you up and down like he wanted to dićk you down but you say "baby I'm not in the mood" he groaned.

Y/n: bae maybe tomorrow night I think abt it ok

K: ok I'll be thinking abt that all day tomorrow at school

Y/n: ok, do you want to cuddle

K: yes plz, but can you give me head so my friend will go down. I just do want it to start to hurt

Y/n: sure Kobe whatever makes you feel better


Y'all go upstairs and Kobe layed on the bed and you pull out his diçk and suck it making him  moan. He began moáning and grabbing your hair making you bob you head faster. You moan from the speed he was going he was so big it made him say "mamas fuck" under his breath. You say"what was that daddy". He said "it was nothing" "that's what I thought" you say . You sucked His veiny and hard dićk. You went faster and faster. At this point he was fuçking your throat. He pushed you head down making him in your throat. He put his head back from the pace you were going in and came in your throat he said "swallow" so you swallowed and you kissed him you smile and he smirked.


K: y/n we should go to sleep we go school in the morning we can finish tomorrow night like you said

Y/n: alr good night baby, I love you

K: good night mamas, I love you too

Kobe grabbed Y/n and cuddled with her they both fell asleep.

You woke up and saw that Kobe was still asleep. So you tried to get up to take a shower but you was in Kobe's tight grip.

Y/n: baby I need to take a bath

K: ...

Y/n: Kobe I need to take a bath

K: ...

* you said in a sexüal way

K: why didn't you just say that

Y/n: Kobe really

K: lemme get in wit you

Y/n: alright then come on

K: ok bae

The got in the shower and Kobe kept try to do stuff but you told him "we'll do stuff later on tonight ok baby" he said "ok mamas" with a smirk. so he stoped and y'all finished shower you did all of the other hygiene and got
dressed and this is what y'all wore

 so he stoped and y'all finished shower you did all of the other hygiene and gotdressed and this is what y'all wore

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You're fit

Kobe's fit

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Kobe's fit

K: mamas you look so beautiful

Y/n: thank you, you look handsome yourself

K: I love you

Y/n: I love you too, are you ready to go to school

K: I kinda don't want to go

Y/n: bae we go to go ok

K: ok

Y'all get in the car and Kobe put his hand on your inner thigh and said "I want you". You say
"tonight k". He said "Fine". You smile and he kissed you at a red light.

Y'all get to school and you see Sora looking sad. You felt really bad but you brushed it off and kissed Kobe. Sora saw and went to the bathroom the bell had rang so you gave Kobe a kiss and went to last period. You had last period with sora and he sits next to you. You sat down and you saw Sora walk in and he sat down. His eyes were puffy red like he had been crying.

Y/n: hey Sora

S: ...

You stopped talking. Soon school was over

Y/n: Sora can we talk outside


He was cut by you kissing him

Y/n: fućk I shouldn't have kissed you

S: but I liked it though

Y/n: Sora I'm in a relationship

S: I know but I really want you

Y/n: I want you to daddy

S: well let's go to my house

Y/n: I can't I'm with Kobe

S: but you just called me daddy

Y/n: I'll think abt it ok

S: ok bye baby, love you

Y/n: love you too daddy

You guys hugged and made out he grabbed your asś you winced at him when it slapped it to told him you loved him and he said it back


How do y'all like the story IK there has been a lot of SMUTS in the chapters tell me if you want them in all the chapters or if y'all want a break from them. I will keep be posting on Saturdays from now on at 1:30am Eastern time around 10:30 for some bye


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