Chapter 30

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Srry for leaving y'all waiting 😭

Kobe heard a knock on the door. He went to answer it

K: mamas why are you here

Y/n: well long story can I come in...

K: yeah

You walked in

K: so..

Y/n: so someone named sora said I have been with him for 4 months and that I lost my memory

K: oh so you remember me

Y/n: yeah I remember that we together

K: oh *smirk*

Y/n: whatchu trynna do sum

K: I'm mean I'm down if you are

You then kissed him

Y/n: why does this feel wrong

K: it shouldn't

He kissed you and took you upstairs

K: lay down

You laid down. He pulled your panties down with his teeth ( you wearing a skirt ) he then started to eat you out

Y/n: mh right there Kobe

He smirked and you could tell then he went faster. You came and he started hitting it from the back

K: Füćk Y/n I miss you puśšy so much

You stopped him

Y/n: wait what do you mean you miss my puśśy and why am I not with Sora

You said as you were slowly getting your memory.

K: oh hehe umm well so you see

Y/n: Mann getcho Dhar Mann ass away from me, I'm going

You left and went back to sora

Sora's POV

I heard a knock on the door and knew it was Y/n so I got up and answered it and it was...

It was...

It was...

It was Luci

L: heyy daddy I know you miss me

Me: um no no I don't I'm we'll wit Y-

L: oh

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