Chapter 26

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It was Kobe.

Y/n: k-k-Kobe is that you

K: hey mamas

You were shocked

Y/n: what are you doing here I thought you were in jail

K: I was but you know I'm in a gang

Y/n: oh yeah well still how did you know I was in the hospital or that I got in a car accident

K: well they called everyone in your phone including your hoes

Y/n: wait really

K: nah I'm just Messing witchu

Y/n: oh ahaha

You said awkwardly

K: well are you good, I'm sorry about your baby

Y/n: wait what baby

K: you didn't know, füçk why do I have to ruin everything

Y/n: I had a- wait I forgot I told Sora I was ready

K: I'm sorry Y/n

Y/n: no no it's ok it's just I really wish I had knew I had a child

K: well I think I should leave and give you some time

Y/n: ok well nice seeing you again

Kobe left the room. You cried to yourself at the thought of losing your baby.

Time went by and sora was doing better, so much better he was able to leave the hospital. But ofc he stayed with you. But he didn't know that you lost the baby he didn't even know that you were pregnant. So you decided to tell him.

Y/n: hey bae umm so yk how I said I was ready to have kids with you

S: yeah why

You broke into tears

Y/n: we-well in the c-car accident I-I was p-pregnant and I lost the baby

He cried and said

S: this is all my fault I should've been paying attention

Y/n: n-no it's my fault I should've stop talking.

S: no no baby girl it's fine it was my fault

Y/n: n-

S: baby girl you should get some sleep ok

Y/n: ok daddy

With that you went to sleep




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