Chapter 6

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You guys hugged and made out he grabbed your asś you winced at him when it slapped it to told him you loved him and he said it back.

Later on that day [night time]

Sora was in his way to your house. Kobe was also on his way to your house. Sora made it to your house first and knocked on the door.

Y/n: hey daddy

S: hey baby girl

Y/n: come in

S: alr

When Sora came over you guys went upstairs and started doing it and then they hear a knock on the door.

________☁️Y/N'S THOUGHTS☁️________
Fučk it's Kobe at the door and he's going to know that Sora's here fuçk.

______☁️ END OF Y/N'S THOUGHTS ☁️______

Y/n got up and went downstairs to open the door and see Kobe and was not shocked that he was there and you thought to yourself he is so fućing hot. I just want him to fućk me.

K: hey baby

Y/n: hey daddy

K: oh so we are doing this now

Y/n: yeah

K: fûçk

Y/n: what's wrong

K: you made me hârd

Y/n: so I made daddy hárd (cringe)

K: yeah you did

Y/n: well I can fix that

K: you can

Y/n: yeah let's go upstairs

K: okay

Why the fuçk is she trying to be with them both. This isn't vampire diaries😭. She is not Elena Gilbert. (Idk if that's how you spell her name but the girls that get it get and the girls that don't don't)

They both went upstairs and sora and Kobe saw each other and Kobe was about to leave but you grabbed his hand  which made him stay. Sora was about to get up to but you made him stay.

_______☁️SORA'S THOUGHTS ☁️_______
When I saw Kobe walk through the door I was ready to leave but y/n is so beautiful I just can't say no to her.

________☁️KOBE'S THOUGHTS☁️________
When I saw sora I almost left but then y/n grabbed my hand and her hands were super soft and she looked super cute.

Y/n: Sora and Kobe I have to tell you something.

K and s: what is It Y/n

Y/n:I-I love both b-but I can't date you both I'm so sorry I was really horñy and idk why I brought you both here. You said as tears fell down your face.
Kobe and sora gave you a hug.

Y/n: Am I a hoè no slût.

S: no you are beautiful and you just don't know who you want that's all

K: Y/n you know you have to choose eventually.

Y/n: yeah I know

As they was hugging you. You felt something hard and poking you leg. It was Sora's and it made you wet. You told the boys that you wanted them both. And Kobe said "like a thrèésome". "Yeah" Y/n said. Sora said "I'm down if you is". "I mean if you want too Y/n" Kobe said. You smirked and then they laughed.

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