Chapter 31

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Y/n: mhm

V: do you know what could have made you throw up

Y/n: um I think I'm pregnant

V: may I ask who might be the father

Y/n: um at this point idk who it is because I was with both Sora and Kobe in the same day

V: oh well I'm here for you no matter what

Y/n: thank you so much Vallyk

V: no problem, now do you want cuddles

Y/n: mhm, but lemme brush my teeth first. Do you got a toothbrush

V: yeah imma go get it

He went to get the toothbrush

V: here you go

He gave it to you

Y/n: thx

You brushed your teeth and saw Vallyk on the bed

V: hey mama

Y/n: hey Vally

You laid down with him

V: mh Y/n I know we just got to hanging out but I'm starting to love you

Y/n: aww I love you too Vallyk

He kissed your forehead. You giggled

Y/n: Vallyk can we go somewhere

V: sure but where 

Y/n: ou let's go to the mall

V: yes

You both did your hygiene. Since you didn't have clothes he gave you some of his clothes

 Since you didn't have clothes he gave you some of his clothes

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*What you wore

*what Vallyk wore

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*what Vallyk wore

V: do you wanna go home so you could get more clothes

Y/n: yeah

V: ight

You both drove to you and Sora's home.

V: we here

Y/n: ok

Vallyk stayed in the car while you went to the door you knocked. Soon sora came to the door smiling

S: baby girl I missed you so much

Y/n: I missed you too

S: so your gonna stay I'm so sorry

Y/n: no I'm sorry i should have stayed

S: you lost your memory it was my fault for not trying to keep you with me, so will you forgive me

Y/n: yes I will but I'm not staying with you I'm staying with Vallyk for a little

S: ok I understand

Y/n: well I came for clothes so

S: oh yeah my bad

He moved out of the way so you could get your belongings. Once you got the things you needed sora came over to tell you something

S: baby girl why do you have to leave

Y/n: I'll come back later I'm going to the mall with Vallyk

S: oh well can I come

Y/n: Idk you have to ask him

S: ight

You both went outside

S: aye


Sorry for the long waits I just have school work

New update will be on all of my stories today

Word count

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