Chapter 19

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S: hey bae what are we gonna do today

Tbh you were hörnÿ but you didn't know if he was too

Y/n: well I'm a little hörnÿ

S: I am too

Y/n: ok let's füçk

S: ok

Sora picked you up and took you upstairs he put you down and said

S: śüçk my dïçk

Y/n: yes daddy

You began to suck his dïçk.

S: mmm füçk Y/n just l-l-like that *moáns*

You suddenly feel him twitch in you mouth

S: fûçk baby girl I have to c-c-cûm

You went faster starting to deepthroat him

S: shït I'-I'm cû-çuming

He had came in your throat.

S: swallow

You swallowed and he picked you up and threw you on the bed he took you pants following along you panties to. He the slammed his bülgé inside of you with out warning.

Y/n: AHA F-F-FÜÇK DADDY *möàns*

S: you like when daddy goes deep in your pûssy

Y/n: mhm

S: words baby girl or I'll go faster

At this point he was already in your stomach


S: fuck bae loosen up its so ti-tight

You tighten up your grip a little more


Y/n: I have to cüm to daddy. Make me cüm give me your babies

S: whatever you want

You had both came

S: that was amazing I love you Y/n like actually love you you are always there for me whenever I get hurt you always find a way to make me feel better

Y/n: aww I love you too even when you break me legs I still love you you make me happy in so many was it's unbelievable, some days I think to myself and say dàm I'm with the love of my life

S: really

Y/n: yes really

He gave you a kiss

S: are you sure you're ready for kids, it's ok it you aren't

Y/n: yes I'm sure and besides I'm with you so anything that involves you I'm in

He chuckled

Y/n: but the real question is are you ready

S: I'm always ready

Y/n: ok now what

S: let's watch a movie

Y/n: ok what movie

S: a scary movie, like oh IT

Y/n: why it you know I don't like clowns

S: fine the what else can we watch

Y/n: ouu how about Veronica

S: that was the second movie I was gonna say

Y/n: ok so let's watch

You put the movie

30 min into the movie

Y/n: Ahh help him he's in the tub by himself

S: ah oh no he's all burnt from the bath water

Y/n: that's so sad

Suddenly there was a knock on the door

Y/n: I'll get it pause the movie

S: ight

You went downstairs and answered the door




It was luci

L: heyy girl

Y/n: hey Luci umm why are you here

L: well Kobe broke up with me because he was super hurt the you rejected him. He all most kïlled himself

Y/n: dám I feel bad I'm so sorry but im with Sora now

L: so you can't give me heád no more

Y/n: fine but we'll have to do it in your car

L: yes I need some like so badly and nobody does it better than you

Y/n: yeah yeah whatever

You both went to Luci's car

Luci laid down on her back

Y/n: you got any toys

L: girl you know I always do

You giggle and grabbed a diłdo and vïbràtòr

L: good choice

You inserted the diłdò inside of Luci

L: mh just like that

You went faster and started to use tongue while practically fûçking her with the diłdö

L: fuck I'm going to sqüïrt

She squïrted in your mouth

Y/n: you taste so good mamas

L: I known. Now it's your turn

You laid on your back and she started fïnïgèr you. You grabbed one of the many vïbràtörš

Sora's POV

I thought to myself what is Y/n doing. I went downstairs and checked to see if she was there. She wasn't there so I went outside to see if she was the and I saw her getting füçkéd by Luci

When I saw that I got a little hòrny and rubbed my díçk soon I got hard. Fûçk now I'm hard. I'll just beat it off. I started to jerk off. Füçk I miss her pretty little tight püssy

Soon me and Y/n made eye contact so I went up to the car and knocked on the window. I think I scared them a little because they jumped when I did.

End of Sora's POV


I could see Sora jerking off to me and Luci. We made eye contact he came up to the car and knocked on the window we jumped a little showing that we were a little scared.

End of Y/n POV

L: well well looks like more people in this party

Sora chuckled

S: Y/n if you wanted head you should have just said that

L: oh no no no my girl Y/n didn't want head I did I came over and asked her I was just returning the favor

S: oh well let me join the fun

Y/n: ok then come on



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