Chapter 33

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S: whatever bye bitch

You passed out

Vallyk got worried so he picked you up and took you to the hospital because he didn't want to embarrass you in front of the whole mall.

You then wake up in the hospital not remembering that you passed out

V: baby girl your up

Y/n: w-what ha-happened

V: shít your still shaken up, well you passed out in the mall after sora called you a bitçh

Y/n: o-oh

V: do you want me to go

Y/n: n-no

V: ok

Soon the doctor came in

Doctor: ok so looks like she just passed out because of stress and the baby looks great

V and Y/n: baby!?!?

Doc: yeah you didn't know

Y/n: well no

Doc: we'll you are and your 4 weeks

(I searched up how many weeks ago was sep. 4th)

Y/n: is the baby healthy

Doc: the baby is very healthy

Y/n: good well when do I leave the hospital

Doc: you can leave a soon as today

Y/n: thank you sm

Doc: no problem

She left the room

Y/n: Vallyk I have another chance to have a baby

V: I'm so happy for you, and if sora does not wanna be here for the baby then I will help you

He kissed your forehead

Y/n: thank you Vally

V: np

Y/n: so when I get out of the hospital can we watch a movie when we get to your house

V: yes

Y/n: te amo

V: te amo mama

You both made out

Y/n: I have to tell you something

V: what is it

Y/n: I think I ready to be in a relationship with you

V: yes yes yes

He did a lil dance

Y/n: but I do have one thing Sora deserves to know about the baby and she or he deserves to know who the father is

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