Chapter 34

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Y/n: did I make you happy

V: yea but-

You put your finger on his lip

Y/n: Shh ok

V: fine, I love you

Y/n: I love you too

You gave him a kiss

V: mama why would you do that

Y/n: well I wanted to help and I did? Right?

V: mhm thank you mami

Y/n: np now can we cuddle

V: yeah

You both cuddled and both drifted of into sleep.


You woke up horny but you knew that Vallyk would not have helped you out, so you went into one of your suitcases and grabbed your vibratör. Once you had it you got back in bed with Vallyk. You pulled your pants down along with your thong.

You felt you wet pussy and rubbed the wetness all around. You pick your hand up to have a taste. You took your hands out of your mouth and inserted them inside of you. You grabbed the vibratòr and put it on your wet clit making you a moàning mess.

Vallyk sensed that something was happening and woke up.

V: mamas you good

Once he was fully awake he saw what you were doing.

V: dam your so wet

That set you off making you cum

Y/n: only for you daddy

V: your so lucky your pregnant. I would have fück you senselessly.

You kept quiet form the embarrassment of him seeing you.

V: don't be shy now I saw you and how wet you are

His voice was making you wetter and wetter bye the moment, so you lean in and started making out with him. While in the heated make out session you saw him get hard. So you stoped kissing him and went to sleep.

V: aye why you stop now I'm hard

Y/n: *snores*

V: *sighs* whatever

He went back to sleep along with you...


Sorry it's short

Idk what to add
so any ideas/recommendations

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