Chapter 4

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Y/n: I love you Sora

S: I love you to y/n

A week later in y/n and Sora's relationship. They were always together at school and at home. Meanwhile Kobe was jealous and always saw how happy y/n and sora were. One day Kobe did something unbelievable something that no person would ever think to do.

K: hey y/n

Y/n: hey Kobe, what do you want

K: to be in side you *Kobe whisper's*

Y/n: boy what

K: nothing and my name is not boy

Y/n: Kobe

K: that's no my name either

Y/n: so what is your name

K: you know it d-a-d-d-y *he spelt it out*

Y/n: I'm not going to call you that I have a loving
handsome boyfriend that loves me a lot

K: dam well why can't I be your other boyfriend

________☁️Y/N'S THOUGHTS☁️________
Well he is really cute and hella cocky and he has a very nice smile and sora hasn't been giving me any attention lately and Kobe is always asking me maybe I should be with Kobe and use him a fück buddy or be friends with benefits he is cute Maybe i should call him daddy or maybe i should stay loyal to sora idk I'm thinking I should use them both tbh just to see which one I like I kinda am losing interest in sora he is to nice and almost never wants to hang.
_______END OF Y/N'S THOUGHTS _______

Y/n: Ko-Daddy I thin I'll reconsider about you being my other boyfriend

K: alr I see you after class, bye mamas *he said then gave you a kiss*

When he called you mamas it gave you butterflies
you thought you were going to pass out. You were cut off by sora walking toward you.

S: hey y/n, how you been

Y/n: good you

S: I've been pretty good

Y/n: o well I seen yo and cj hanging out how has she been

S: she's been doing good even tho she stays at her dads

Y/n: well I'm going to go to class

S: alr see you later

S: love you bye

Y/n: bye bae

________☁️SORA'S THOUGHTS ☁️________
Why didn't she say I love you back. Is she loosing interest tbh I'm loosing interest to but I don't want to break her heart ima just stay with her.
________END OF SORA'S THOUGHTS _______

*The next day

Kobe went over to Your house to check up on you

Kobe went over to Your house to check up on you

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*your house

Kobe's POV

I really love y/n and i really want to be with her but she is with sora NGL he is nicer that me. I hope y/n wants to be my girlfriend. Let me call her and see what she's doing.

End of Kobe's POV

*Incoming call

Kobe💕: hey mamas whatchu doing
Y/n: nothing you

Kobe💕: I as thinking about coming to you house to talk about us

Y/n: wdym is

Kobe💕: like our relationship

Y/n: what relationship do we have we just friends with benefits I mean you cute but I have a boyfriend and he loves me and I can't give up on that ok Kobe I sorry but that's how it just going to be

Kobe💕: you don't mean that you can't, ma I love you and nothing will ever change that and if you think we just friends with benefits then we shouldn't be talking just know I will always love you

Y/n: Kobe i didn't know you loved me that much of I knew that I would have never gotten with sora I love you too and I mean that with all my heart. Kobe come over we should talk about our relationship

Kobe💕: aight ma I'll be there in a few I love you

Y/n:I love you too bye

*End of call

You here Kobe knocking at the door you answer

Y/n: hey daddy

Kobe: hey Bae, whatchu tryna do

Y/n: watch a movie

Kobe: aight


You and Kobe were watching the movie and Kobe got a little touchy but you moved his hand multiple times. He started to kiss you you kissed him back things got heated so you told him "I'm in the mood".
And he said "I am too". So then Kobe picked you up and put you on his face and he started eating he kept
Making you squirt and cûm all on his face. You got off his face and pulled his pants down. you thought to yourself and said he is bigger than Sora how is it all going to fit. You started suckîng his díck and he said "fuck Y/n you're mouth feels so good". Kobe took himself out of you mouth and inserted his big piece in you. You both let out a small moan and Kobe went faster and faster. At this point you were screaming a lot. " Kobe fuck you in my stomach" said y/n. "That's not my name" said Kobe. " DADDY YOUR IN MY STOMACH" said Y/n.

It has been 10 rounds and 4 hours later and they were still going at it. Sora was at the door knocking to surprise Y/n but she didn't answer the door so he used the key that you gave him to come over any time. When he walked in he heard clapping noises so he went up stairs to you're room and opened the door and saw you and Kobe fuçking.

S: wtf

Y/n: it's not what it looks like

K: it is  I was all in her shït

S: get the fućk out

Kobe put his clothes on and left sora was crying

Y/n: Sora baby I'm so sorry

S: we are done goodbye

Y/n: bae no I still love you

S: it didn't seem like it when you were fućking Kobe

Y/n: idk why I did that I'm so sorry can we be friends still

S: idk yet because I will still love you in a more that a friend way

Y/n: ok but can you think about it please

S: ok I think I'll about it

Theon the same day you decide to text Kobe


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