Chapter 22

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With that you both went to sleep.

The next morning you woke up and heard sora möáning you name in his sleep. You already knew that he was having a wet dream. You then saw him get hard. When you saw that it made you hòrny.

You then start to fïnger yourself

Y/n: mh fûçk

S: yes Y/n just like that

Y/n: ah yes

You then squïrted all over sora

Y/n: shït I made a mess

Sora the woke up

S: why am I wet

Y/n: umm I squïrted

S: you were fîngering yourself

Y/n: mhm

S: why

Y/n: well you were sleeping and möáning my name and it made me hòrny

S: oh

Y/n: what was we doing anyway

S: well you were riding me

Y/n: I mean I could do that right now

S: maybe later

Y/n: ok, how about we go to Waffle House

S: that sounds good

Y/n: ok well imma shower

S: can I tome wif you

Y/n: aww yeah sure

He smiled making you smile. You both get up and go to the e bathroom. You then took off your clothes and got in the shower.

A few min later

Y/n: can you wash my back

S: yeah

He started washing your back

Once he finished you washed the rest of you body. You the make the mistake of dropping the soap. You bent over and Sora stuck his rock hard dîçk inside of you giving you back shots

Y/n: mh fûçk daddy just like that

S: you like that baby girl

Y/n: mhm

He then stoped and started washing himself again like nothing ever happened

Y/n: why did you tease me

S: idk

You the rinsed off and got out of the shower. You put your clothes on and texted Vallyk

 You put your clothes on and texted Vallyk

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Y/n: Sora I'm going out with my friend

S: who

Y/n: Vallyk

S:ok well bye

Y/n: by baby love you

S: I love you too

You gave sora a kiss and left the house and went to your car. You went to I hop and saw Vallyk.

V: hey

Y/n: hey

V: so let's go in

Y/n: ok

You both went in and the lady sat you down at you table

SL-server lady

SL: ok what can I start you off with

Y/n: uhh a water

V: yeah same

Y/n: copy cat

He chuckled

V: so are you dating anyone

Y/n: umm yes

V: oh

After that he looked sad

Y/n: hey it's ok, we can still be friends

V: yeah ok

The lady came back with the waters

SL: ok did you guy figure out what you want or did you need more time

Y/n: umm idk about him but I want French toast with scrambled eggs and bacon

SL: ok and you sweetie

Vallyk blushed

V: umm I'll have the same thing but with pancakes

SL: ok baby will that be all

V: um by any chance can you come as dessert

SL: I'll see if I could make that happen

V: ok well can I get your number

SL: ok

She had given him her number and gave him a kiss on his cheek. She then whispered something in his ear. Vallyk's mood change

Y/n: ohhh Vally got a girlfriend

V: don't call me that

Y/n: whatever

Skip to when the breakfast was over

V: bye Y/n

Y/n: bye Vally

V: I said don't call me that

Y/n: whatever




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