Chapter 15

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Recommendation from BhavneetKaur2230 

He gave you some of his boxers and a t-shirt. You both the get on the bed lay down watching movies cuddling.

You then woke up and saw that sora was still asleep. But when you did you smelt food. You went downstairs and saw that his mom was making food.

S/M~Sora's Mom

SM: hey honey how did you sleep

Y/n: I slept great

S/M oh well that's good, are you hungry

Y/n: yes

S/M: ok well I made pancakes eggs and bacon or if you want cereal there is cereal.

Y/n: ok well thanks also I can wash the dishes if you want me to

S/M: you don't have to

Y/n: I don't mind

S/M: fine you can do them it isn't like Sora will

You giggle and finish your food and Sora mom went upstairs. You then go to the sink and wash the dishes you suddenly feel arms rap around you waist and you knew that it was sora.

S: (morning voice) hey baby girl

Y/n: hey daddy

S: (still in morning voice) mm I love it when you call me that

Y/n: you do

S: (morning voice still) mhm

Y/n: and I love your morning voice

S: (morning voice) you do

Y/n: mhm

They kiss each other then it turned into a make out session. You broke the kiss and made eye contact with him.

Y/n: you hungry

S: yeah but only for you at the moment

Y/n: you need real food first. Your mom made it

Sora pouted

Y/n: please don't make that face you know how I feel about that face

He chuckled and ate his food. But when he finished he went to you picked you up and took you to his room.

He then threw you on the bed

S: time for dessert

You giggle

He pulled your pants down then soon after your underwear. He planted wet kisses in you inner thighs. He started to eat you out slowly.

Y/n: stop teasing me and go faster

S: ok whatever you say

He did as you said and went faster.

Y/n: mhm just like t-that

He started to French kiss you puthay and inserted his index and middle finger inside of you.

Y/n: fück d-d-d-daddy *moans*

You then came and he licked you clean.

S: I was just returning the favor

You giggle

Y/n: I love you so much

S: I love you too

S: did you break up with Kobe yet

Y/n: no not yet but I'm thinking about doing it today

S: please do

Y/n: ok I will text him to meet up with me and tell him ok

S: ok baby girl

You blushed

S: dàm I got you blushing

You giggled

You both got ready and took a shower together nothing sexüal.

You decided to text Kobe to meet up with you

You decided to text Kobe to meet up with you

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Y/n: bae can you come with me to the park

S: why

Y/n: I'm meeting up with Kobe to go to the park

S: ok so your breaking up with him there

Y/n: yeah

S: ok

You both drive to the park and see that Kobe is already there.

K: hey baby girl

S: aye don't call her that

K: why not

S: because we're dating

K: so your cheating now

Y/n: first of all you cheated on me twice

K: I'm sorry baby girl I can change

Y/n: it's too late we're done

Kobe got angry and walked up to sora and punched him in the face really hard.

Y/n: Sora nooo

He was coughing up blood. He then got up and went to do the same thing to Kobe. Kobe got so mad he shot sora in the leg.

Y/n: fück you Kobe

Kobe looked hurt and ran off you felt bad until you saw Sora on the ground. You called 911.

Y/n: bae the ambulance is on the way

S:*coughs up blood* ok just know that I love you

You smile at his word and her the ambulance sirens.

   Word count: 715


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