Chapter 11

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You and Kobe went to bed. Kobe grabbed you waist and pulled you close to him so you could feel his print. You realized and got wet and hòrny by it. Soon you fell asleep. Soon after Kobe did the same.

You and Kobe woke up at the same time.

K: (morning voice) good morning baby girl

Y/n: good morning daddy

K: ( laugh ) baby girl why

Y/n: i don't know I just wanted to call you that.

K: umm anyway do you want to make breakfast together.

Y/n: yeah.

You both went to the bathroom and did your hygiene. The mad your way to the kitchen.

Y/n: bae why are you so messy

K: I don't know sorry.

Y/n: it's ok I love you

K: I love you too.

Y/n: we should go live

K: yeah sure

You started the live on your phone.

Y/n: hey y'all

Live: heyyy

Live: I love you Y/n

Y/n: aww I love y'all too

Live: is that Kobe

Live: I thought she was with Sora

Live: yeah me to

Y/n: so me and Sora aren't together.

Live: so your with  Kobe

Y/n: yeah

Live: wow

Live: what are y'all doing

You positioned the phon so they could see.

Y/n: we're cooking breakfast

Live: aww

Live: relationship goals

Live: Y/n so you stole Kobe from me

Y/n: I didn't steel anyone he chose me. He understands me unlike other people I know

Live: dam

Live: sorry Y/n

Y/n: it's ok

Live: Sora's in the live

Live: add him

Skyyjade: yeah add me

Kobe: she doesn't have to add you, She's with me

Skyyjade: dam well imma leave

Kobe: yeah you should

Y/n: well imma end the live

Live: bye Y/n

Live: we love you

Live: dam I'm late to the live

Y/n: bye

You ended the live

K: do you still have feelings for him

Y/n: no I chose you I have feelings for you and only

K: ok, well the food is done

Y/n: yay I'm hungry

He made your plate and sat it down. You both then started eating.

Y/n: this is some good aśš food

K: yeah it really is, we did a good job

He then grabbed you thigh.

Y/n: mm mm füçk

K: you like that mamas

Y/n: mhm yes I do daddy

You both then start to make out. His tongue was at the entrance of you mouth letting you know that he wanted to add tongue. He starts to put his hand Down you pants, and fiñgèr you.

Y/n: sss fück

K: do you want to take this upstairs

You shook your head vigorously.

You both walk upstairs

He then put you on the bed and pulled your pants down. He started to insert his index finger inside of you and started to eat.

Y/n: mh daddy you make me feel so good

K: you like when daddy fiñgers you

Y/n: yes daddy

K: do you have to cum

Y/n: mhm

K: words mamas

Y/n: y-yes

After that you came

Y/n: daddy did you want me to do anything to you

K: nah I'm good, you can repay me later

Y/n: otay

K: can I lay on your boobies

Y/n: what ever makes you happy babes

He the lays in you boobs. But while he was he started to suck on one and massage the other

Y/n: mm you such a baby

K: you know you love it

Y/n: yeah I do

                                                    WORD COUNT 618

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