Chapter 2

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They made it to Olive Garden and then Kobe, Ballo and Derek showed up out of know were with ski mask on and jumped Sora. Kobe pulled out a shank and shanked sora. Sora was bleeding really bad.

Your POV
I saw sora on the ground bleeding all I could do was cry. Then I realized that I need to call 911 when I called 911 they said they would be there in 8min. I saw that he was loosing a lot of blood so I applied pressure to his injury.

Y/n: it's a good thing I'm taking M.D in school

Sora laughed

Y/n: stop laughing your going to hurt yourself even more
S: idc
Y/n: you should care

*Ambulance sirens*

Y/n: there here
S: goo- *Cough*
Y/n: sora sora SORA
Y/n: help he's coughing up blood
Doctor: alr we will get him on the stretcher
Y/n: ok thx

They were in the ambulance on there way to the hospital sora was on machine to help him breathe
They made it to the hospital and a doctor came out saying that Sora will make it but he is injured really bad he would have to stay in the hospital for 1 week to heal but he will be ok.

Y/n was so sad that sora was in the hospital she was so sad that she was in a depressed stage she wouldn't talk to anyone not even her friends when Kobe tried to talk to y/n she would just nod her head. Sora just got out of the hospital. Y/n was so happy.

Y/n: hi Sora
S: hi y/n
Y/n: Sora I feel so bad about what happened with you
S: it's not you fault
S: I should have taken you somewhere else
Y/n: Sora I have a question
S: what is it
Y/n: do you want to be my boyfriend
S: yes I would love that
Y/n: so what do you want to do after school
S: idk, do you have any thing you want to do
Y/n: actually yeah
S: ok what Tim do you want to do the thing you talking about
Y/n: Umm 8pm at your house is the going to be anyone at you house then
S: no why
Y/n: no reason
S: alr see you then
Y/n: bye bae
S:bye baby


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