Chapter 17

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You smile and he gives you cuddles and kisses. You woke up first and saw that sora was still asleep

Y/n: *whispers* I love you baby bye

He smiled

Y/n: oh so you're not sleep

He chuckled

S: bye baby I love you too

Y/n: ok bye

You left and went home when you got home Sora FaceTimed you.


S: hey baby girl

                                 Y/n: hey daddy

S: baby girl you can't be calling me that

                                  Y/n: and why is that

S: because I might get hard and I don't want the doctors to see that.
                                 Y/n: yeah you right. I wish     you could fuck me to sleep

S: I wish I could too
                                   Y/n: I know

S: alright well I have to go to get an X-ray

                                   Y/n: alright well bye daddy

S: bye baby girl. Fuck now I'm hard

                                    Y/n: whatever I love you

S: I love you too


you smile and went back to sleep


You woke up and it was around 1pm. You got out of bed and went to the bathroom and took a shower  when you finished you put on an outfit

 You got out of bed and went to the bathroom and took a shower  when you finished you put on an outfit

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With white AirForce 1s or whatever you want

When you were done you went to your mirror and took a picture

Y/n: dam I look good

When you finished you went to the hospital. You check in with the lady and she tells you what room Sora is in.

S: dam mamas you finna make me act up

Y/n: I don't even look that good

S: well you do to me

You started blushing so you look Down

S: baby I got you blushing

you nod your head

S: look at me when you blush

You looked at him making eye contact. You broke eye contact and smiled. Soon the doctor came in.

DL: hello um Sora you will be able to get out of the hospital today but you will have to take things easy

S: ok I will so what time will I be able to leave today

DL: now

S: ok great

You saw that sora look super happy. You helped sora out of the bed put him in his wheelchair and gave him his clothes that you brought from his house.

Y/n: did you already take your bath

S: yeah why

Y/n: well I brought you clothes from your house

S: thank you baby

Y/n: no problem

S: no I mean it when I say thank you

You smile and took him to the bathroom to put his clothes on. Once he had his clothes on you brought him out of the hospital.




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