Chapter 16

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I left y'all waiting long enough so here you go...😭

You smile at his words and you both here the ambulance sirens. They put him on an stretcher and put him inside of the ambulance.

DL~doctor lady

P: so we're you he at the time of the incident

Y/n: yes

P: ok do you know who might of done this

Y/n: yes

P: ok so who was it

Y/n: Kobe Morris (dam she said the government)

P: ok thank you for your help

Y/n: no problem

You went home and showered. You had a lot of Sora's blood on your body. Once you finished showering you put some clothes on and drove to the hospital.

Desk Lady: hello how may I help you

Y/n: um hi uhm I'm here to see Sora Simmons.

Desk Lady: oh yes he is in room 1127 on this floor Dow the hall

Y/n: thanks

You went to the room and saw Sora on the bed with bruises from when he was fighting Kobe.

S: *raspy voice* hi baby girl

Y/n: hey bae

You broke in tears from seeing him like that

S:*still in raspy voice* hey hey baby girl don't cry

Y/n: I'm sorry this is my fault I shouldn't have brought you with me

S: *raspy* I'm happy you did

He wiped your tears and kissed you forehead

S: *raspy* I love you baby girl  you know that right

Y/n: I love you too and I know that

You kiss him on the lips. Thing got heated but he told you

S: *raspy* baby I'm in the hospital. But when I get better I will fuck you until you cum at least 4 times

Y/n: ok I will be looking forward to it

He smiled and said

S: well I'm tired so I'm going to go to sleep

Y/n: well can I stay with you

You say in a baby voice

S: yea you can stay

You smile and lay with him

Y/n: cuddles

S: yes you can get cuddles

You smile and he gives you cuddles and kisses

Ik this was short but I'll be updating all day today

Word count

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