Chapter 29

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S: did you ever want to try to have another baby

Y/n: yes but idk

S: we need to tell our family

Y/n: yeah we really do

We gon skip to when he alr told his parents and you got better cause it kinda go boring 😭

Y/n: daddy since I got better can we yk

S: *smirking* do what

Y/n: don't play dumb

You say rubbing his six pack

S: you want my kids now

Y/n: mhm I want them inside me

S: ight face down aśš up with all your clothes off

Y/n: ok daddy

You did what he said and he slammed inside of you

Y/n: I mis-miss you s-so  much daddy

S: you like that baby girl

Y/n: mhm

S: füćk your so tight

Y/n: daddy I'm close

S: cüm baby girl

You came but he didn't stop

Y/n: fuck baby cûm

He stoped and said

S: ride

He pulled out of you and laid on his back. You then inserted his dïçk inside of you and started to ride him.

S: sss mh bae sl-slow d-down

Y/n: but daddy I need you to cüm

S: mh

You went faster and faster until he came

Y/n & S: *gasp* füçk

As he was pumping all of his cüm inside of you you had an orgásim

Y/n: sh-shít  *gasp*

You passed out. Sora got worried.

S: baby wake up


S: *cries* baby wake up

He checked your pulse

S: füçk füçk wake up

You then woke up

Y/n: who are you? And why are you- we naked?

S: you don't remember what happened or why I am

Y/n: no

S: ok so well I'm your boyfriend and we have Ben together for 4 months, we got in a car accident with and we're trying to have a baby you don't remember

Y/n: I don't really recall but you seem nice

S: oh, wait what do you remember

Y/n: well I remember someone named Kobe an-

S: wait so you don't remember me but you remember Kobe

Y/n: uh yeah and my family

S: but I am family

Y/n: yeah oh ok

S: wdym

Y/n: Idk but can I sleep in the guest room or go to Kobe house

(Y'all have a house together

S: so you wanna leave me for him...

Y/n: Idek you

S: *sigh* ok well I guess you can do whatever you wanna do

Y/n: ok well imma put my clothes on and go to Kobe house bye

You put your clothes on and left to Kobe's house

At Kobe's house

Kobe heard a knock on the door. He went to answer it

K: mamas why are you here

Y/n: well long story can I come in...


this was long-ish Ig but umm yeah...

Word count

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